why?~ both views

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Why was he doing this? Was he doing the right thing? Why did it feel so good? Why did the touch of a woman who isn't his queen feel so good? She isn't Isolde. She isn't the woman he has been in love with for over a thousand years so why? How could something so wrong feel so right? Was it wrong? It had to be wrong didn't it? His unstable mind kept him from thinking properly. No. This wasn't the time to let the past take the best of him, it was time to be there for her, he thought. Morgana helped him a lot the past day and now it was time to help her. Strange thoughts for a king who is known to be irresponsible and not caring towards anyone but Isolde. But Isolde.. didn't matter right now. Viego held Morgana tighter and said "It's going to be alright, I promise, I'll help you and I won't leave." Morgana buried her head in his arms. He could feel her tears through his jacket. The back of the chair wasn't too tall for him to bend over it and lean his hear on hers. He was glad Morgana allowed him to come that close in such a vulnerable moment of hers. That meant his unreasonable trust and the deep connection he felt after the short time they've known each other wasn't one sided. She probably didn't know either why she trusted him so much, did she? Under other circumstances Viego would suspect her to have put some type of spell on him but for some reason he didn't even consider that as possible. Having someone he could trust in times like these was somewhat relieving. There were these sentinels of light or whatever they were called trying to deny him happiness.. but they won't win! There is no way they would! With Morgana by his side he'll be able to bring Isolde back, he thought. "It's going to be okay dear~" Viego said as he tried to push his thoughts to the side.

"Thank you.." Morgana said with a broken voice. She still didn't understand why Viego was hugging her but she was glad he did. Feeling his warm breath on her cheeks had something calming to it. How long has it been since the last time she trusted someone enough to let them touch her? Morgana didn't want to keep her thoughts to herself anymore "I haven't allowed anyone to touch me in about a thousand years but.." "I haven't either" Viego interrupted her with a smile, happy she felt the same way about him. They didn't move for multiple minutes, time didn't matter and neither did anything else. This had to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.. or maybe more than that, Morgana thought. Was there a chance she could be more than a friend to him some day?

~timeskip because I don't know how not to make the scene awkward, Viego is back in his office. He just received information on Senna's location and is planning his next try to get isoldes soul fragment~

These damn sentinels of light, he thought. He would probably just kill them if he didn't need Senna. A few days ago he had a conversation with Lucian hoping he would understand. But he didn't. Seemed as if Viego had to take it with force. Tomorrow he would take back what was his.. but was it the right thing to do? Isolde would want him to do so doesn't she? There he sat, questioning himself over and over again. All these thoughts were driving him insane, slowly but surely. If only his queen was there.. she would be able to calm him down and make him happy when noone else could. She gave him the happiness the world was denying him.. she was the only one.. was she? The hint of a thought crossed his mind.. what if there was? What if he had already met that person? Could it possibly be that that person was the woman he just met so randomly? Why was he thinking about someone he had known for less than a week the way he was thinking about her? He let out a scream of frustration, confusion and anger, trying to free his head from all these thoughts, punching his fists against his massive wooden desk leaving a small crack beneath..

What was that sound? Morgana thought. She could tell it came from a door. The door she didn't check out what was behind it yet. She stood up from her bed. Curiosity was always one of her best and worst habits so she couldn't help but check it out. What if anything happened? Her long black nightgown was made of elegant silk and beautifully reflected the tiny bit of moon light that shined through the window while she was slowly walking towards the door. She opened it and stood in front of a compared to the other hallways in the building narrow hallway with another door at the end of it and bookcases covering the left and right wall. Usually she would have started taking closer looks at the old books these were filled with but now there wasn't time to decipher the runes and acquire each and every bit of knowledge they held. Morgana walked past these valuables towards the door on the other side which was about 17 meters away. Every moment she had to think about what could have caused the sound she just heard made her worry even more so she speeded up a little. When she reached the door she took a deep breath. What if she wasn't supposed to see whatever was in there? She wouldn't be able to reach it from her room if that was the case would she? No time to think.

Morgana opened the door, unsure on what to expect to see something that looked like a library or at had at least two rows of bookcases in it. She walked past those bookcases and noticed a big portrait of a couple. It seemed old and the woman's face was ripped off the canvas. The whole space looked similar to the outside of the shadow isles.. full of black mist and without a lot of color.. as if someone just put a low saturation filter on everything. Needless to say the painting was impressive any ways. Even withot being able to see her face Morgana could tell that the woman was insanely beautiful and so was the man standing behind her and holding her hands. He had some similarities with Viego.. were that his parents? Did he have a brother? More like a twin brother judging by their similar face.. who was she kidding? Obviously it was him and Isolde.. Morgana didn't understand why the reminder of Viego being in love with Isolde made her feel some weird type of sadness. Usually she'd be glad to see other people have the perfect romance she never had and never will have. Every time she fell in love she would see the person be taken away by death in what felt like the blink of an eye. Viego was immortal tho.. but he was in love with Isolde.. and she would help him bring Isolde back. Why did the thought of this kinda hurt her? Again she had to remind herself to stop thinking too much in case there was something serious going on. "Dammit!", she heard a male voice scream? cry? something in between. It sounded broken and really emotional.. frustrated and filled with pain.

Morgana immediately ran towards the sound. Thinking about it  she recognized the voice even in the tiny bit of a moment she had to think about it. A few seconds later she wasn't suprised when she saw Viego with his head laying on a big wooden desk. "I.. I'm sorry.. I.. heard a sound and wanted to check it out to.. you know.. make sure everything is alright.."

Hearing Morgana's usually really powerful voice sound so soft and nervous was a little bit surprising- but in a good way. Was it her magic that was calming him down or was it knowing that she was there and that she probably cared about him? It must be her magic doesn't it? Or was he starting to.. no. That can't be. He could hear her steps on the wooden floor as she walked closer to him. "Viego? Are you okay?" she said in a worried tone. He took a deep breath and started talking: "Not really if I'm being honest.. there's just too much on my mind at the moment. I am.."-another deep breath-"I am questioning if something I planned for several years and I have been wishing for for about all of my life was the right thing to do. The last time I had an encounter with the sentinels of light they said a few things that kind of.. kind of made me question everything.." He was so concentrated on trying to explain while also keeping some parts to himself he didn't notice that Morgana was sitting on his desk right next to him now. "I don't really know what you are talking about but I don't need to know. Whatever you do, you'll have my support" Viego looked up just to see a bittersweet smile on the beautiful woman's face. "You were about to go to bed weren't you?" "Yes I actually was but making sure you're okay is more important than that." "Hey uhm.. would you mind to maybe spent the night in my room? I don't think I'll really be able to sleep without your magic which is why" "I'd lo- if you want me to"

The Ruined King and the Fallen (Viego x Morgana Fanfic) (League Of Legends)Where stories live. Discover now