The Arrival

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'Dear rulers of all foreign Empires,
It seems I have stumbled upon an Ancient meeting site. Our ancestors told us stories of when all the rulers would meet and plan the best ways to take care of our people. I propose that we end this era of silence. This stand still has brought nothing but struggle to obtain business, travelers and goods.
So I propose we meet at this hall. I believe it would be beneficial to hold a tournament of sorts, some friendly competition. There is enough space of all of us to stay and we will provide food and all living materials for you. Sadly there is no room for extra staff, but we will make sure you are comfortable. We ask that all rulers attend, the location is at these coordinates: XXX-XX. Please respond at your convenience.
Let the new era begin,
Queen Pearl'

She sighed as she gave the letters to her messengers. She was really looking forward to this meeting. The games she had prepared are something she's always wanted to do. She was also excited to meet the others rulers. She was always a social girl, and spent plenty of time with her people. But after she took on the crown she missed the ability to meet new people, and hopefully be less formal than society demands of her.

She hadn't met any of the Kings or Queens before. All she knew was that two of them were some sort of hybrid or none human being. She heard tales of their great wings, which they were able to use instead of the elytra glider she had been trained with.


All the Kings and Queens received their invitations in the next week, due to the distance between some of the kingdoms. But by the end Queen Pearl had received 12 positive responses. All the rulers had agreed to join the games, mentioning that they should find a way to broadcast the week to each of their kingdoms. Pearl loved the idea. It would help the people all over get to see everything and get to know their rulers better. It would bring peace and make the citizens more content with their leader so far away from the throne.

She got to work on setting up cameras and getting a film crew as soon as she could. Only having another 2 weeks to prepare, which seemed like a scarily small amount of time.


Queen Katherine of the Overgrown was the first to arrive. She is often interacted indirectly with the Country themed Queen, for business, but it was never personally. The top was open so she could see the girl clearly. She wore a beautiful white gown. She was in a carriage, likely having been informed of the cameras that would be rolling quite often. The carriage matched her dress perfectly and was decorated with overgrown flowers and bright colors that seemed to match despite their differences. Even the horses which pulled and the ones her guards rode on the sides looked pristine and well kept.

As she stepped out Pearl couldn't hold in her excitement but she kept composed and walked up gracefully. The two shared a quick curtsy, aware they didn't need to treat each other as anything but equals.

"Queen Pearl," she introduced.

"Lovely to meet you Pearl, I am Queen Katherine." Pearl smiled wider, if it were possible, she could tell this girl would be fun.

"You are the first to arrive," Pearl informed. "Do you wish to go inside or wait with me to see the others?"

"Is the even a question?!" Katherine burst. She coughed loudly, forcing herself to be formal once again. "I have been waiting my whole life to meet these people. I wish to see them as soon as possible."

"Ah, the feeling is mutual." Her flower crown slipped down just a little bit she could not care less at this moment.


The next to arrive were Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire and King Joel of the Mesa. No one other than the two kingdoms had known this at the time, but the two were married and very happy together.

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