Chapter Twenty Two-Alexandria

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After returning to the castle, we had found out that the war was over. I was overjoyed that the war was ended, but I knew what that meant. The wedding date was back to normal. I barely had any time left with Aaron. After I heard the news, I stood on my balcony and watched the sun go down. How much time did I even have with Aaron? I tried not to think about it.

A tear fell from my eye. "Hey" said a voice. I turned around to see Aaron at the doorway. He was smiling at first, but when he looked at me, his smile faded. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and wiped the tear away. Aaron walked over to me. I couldn't help myself. Another tear came down my face. Aaron wiped it away and said, "what's the matter?"

"I.....I just...." I said. I wiped my eyes. Aaron wrapped his arms around me and said, "you know you can tell me anything". "It's just.......I don't know how much time we have left together" I said. He sighed. He rested his head against mine and said, "I'm worried too. But I know we'll figure something out".

I sighed. I tried my best not to cry. I couldn't imagine life without Aaron. I loved him so much. "I've already lost my sister. I can't loose you too" I said. I wrapped my arms around him. He leaned down and kissed me. "We aren't going to loose each other, I promise" he whispered. I smiled and rested my head against his chest.

" can talk to your brother about this" Aaron said. I looked up at him and said, "I can't!" "I think that he'll listen to you. He cares about you so much! Maybe he can negotiate with your father about ending the wedding" Aaron said. I sighed. "I....I don't know" I said. Aaron kissed my forehead and said, "it's worth a try". I smiled and said, "I'll think about it."

He smiled and kissed me. "No matter what happens Alexandria, I love you" he said. I smiled and said, "I love you too." Suddenly, we heard a voice yell, "guys!" It was Leo's voice. Aaron and I quickly separated as Leo ran onto the balcony, with Terrin not far behind him.

Leo told us about the warning he received from Ryia. The fairy camp was about to be attacked! "We have to help the people there" I said. Aaron and Terrin agreed. Together, we set out for the fairy camp.

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