Chapter Sixteen-Alexandria

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The next day, Terrin, Aaron and I were planning on going hunting. And of course, Laithen just HAD to come with us. I reluctantly got on my horse. "Would you like to ride with me on my horse, my love?" Laithen asked. He chuckled. I groaned. We rode out to the forest. After we got there, we hunted for only a few minutes before it happened.

We were walking in the woods when we came face to face with Ryia. She was with Leo and a little girl with flaming red hair. As soon as I saw her, small shadows radiated around my feet. "What are you doing here?" Ryia demanded. "We were hunting" Aaron quietly said. Leo kept silent. Obviously, Ryia had talked trash to him about us. Probably things that weren't true.

We stood there in silence. "Ryia, who are they?" The little girl asked. "Their just some people I know. Why don't you go play with Leo, ok?" Ryia said. Leo took the little girls hand and walked away with her. "Well, are you going to pathetically attack me again, Alexandria?" Ryia asked. I noticed that Laithen was standing far behind us. Pfft, what a coward.

I took a deep breath. I tried my best to keep myself in control. Why was she doing this? "We should go" I said. We began walking away, "until I heard Ryia yell, "go ahed! Run away like the pathetic damsel you are, Alexandria!" I turned to her and growled. It all happened so fast. I quickly morphed into Simon, the person Ryia feared most. Ryia gasped.

"Alex! No!" Terrin said. But I didn't listen. I charged at Ryia. She dodged my first punch, but not my second. I punched her straight in the stomach. She toppled over and whimpered. I morphed back to myself and said, "who's the coward now, Ryia? Huh? Look who's crying now!" She looked up at me with a hurtful look on her face. I didn't feel a single bit of guilt.

"Why are you doing this? You shut everyone that you trust and love out of your life, but not Leo, who you've known for the least amount of time! And now you two are over here with this kid! Do you realize how your making us feel, Ryia?! I didn't want to attack you! I don't want to hate you, but I can't control myself! I just want my sister back!" I yelled. Ryia kept staring at me.

"Whatever. You have a new life now. You obviously don't care about us, and it's obvious that you never did" I said. I began to walk away. She got up and asked, "why?" I looked at her. "Why Simon?" She asked. I laughed and said, "because, now you obviously won't call me a damsel again. And the look of fear in your eyes......I enjoyed seeing it." She gasped.

"Now you know how your making us feel, Ryia. Do you like it? Because we don't" said Terrin. We walked away, leaving Ryia standing there, motionless. We found our horses and rode back to Talahan. Nobody said a word.


"I'm a monster" I said. Aaron and I stood on my balcony. It was late at night. "Your not" he said. "I can't believe I did that. I turned into her worst fear and let her suffer" I said. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "I actually think....that Ryia deserved it" Aaron said. I was shocked that Aaron had said that. He was always so sweet and innocent, and when he said things like that it shocked me.

I sighed and said, "but....I'm just not like that." "Well, don't go running to her for sympathy. She'll just smack you in the face" said Aaron. "Literally" I mumbled. "Hey" he said. I looked up at him. He kissed my forehead and said, "you know I'll always love you". I smiled and said, "I love you". I leaned up and kissed him.

He smiled and said, "we should go for a walk with Terrin tomorrow. No Laithen." "Oh gosh, please no Laithen!" I said. Aaron and I laughed. Then, he put his hands on my waste. He lifted me in the air and spin me around. I laughed in delight. He set me back down. We wrapped our arms around each other and kissed each other's lips. I didn't want to let go. I could be in that moment forever. I love him.

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