Luke And Lullubys

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I was floating on my back in the pool while Luke changed. He hopped in a few minutes later completely soaking me. I laughed. "What was that for?" I asked, smacking his chest as he resurfaced. "What did I do," he asked with such an innocent look that almost made me believe him. I giggled. "Come on. You know what you did." "No. I don't," he said, climbing out of the pool. I laughed, following him out. "I wanna sit in the hot tub," I said. "So go sit in the hot tub," Luke answered, smirking. "No. I wanna sit in the hot tub with you," I whinned. I probably sounded like a five year old, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was sit in the hot tub with Luke. Just like what always happened between two people that had a certain chemistry in movies. It was so romantic. "What's so romantic?" Luke asked. I blushed, "Did I say that out loud?" Luke nodded. "So what's romantic?" he repeated himself. "Nothing. Just sitting in the hot tub." Luke smirked. "You know, we could do more than just sit in the hot tub," he suggested. I sighed. "Maybe."

A few minutes later, Luke and I were sitting in the hot tub, well Luke was sitting in the hot tub. I was sitting on his lap. We were making out. I pressed my hand into his shoulder, and I felt him wince. I pulled away from Luke. He started kissing down my neck. "Luke, why does your shoulder hurt?" I asked. He pulled away from me. "It's nothing. I'm used to it," he answered, his cheeks flushed. I got up off of him, stood him up an spun him around. His back was covered in long scratches that were all red and bloody. "What the hell happened to your back?" I asked, my mouth hanging open. "You," he answered simply.

"Holy shit. Did I do that when we had sex?" I said. "Every time actually," Luke answered, sitting back down. "I am so sorry," I said, sitting beside him and kissing his cheek. "It's no big deal. I'm used to it by now," he said nonchalantly. I straddled him. "I must admit, you look really hot I that swimsuit," he groaned into my neck. I could feel his hard on. "I can tell," I giggled, "Well, we should go get changed. I'm getting a little water logged." He groaned, but let me stand up and walk away.

I came back downstairs with my hair braided down the side of neck. I had changed into a white crop top and a pair of high waisted short shorts. I threw on my brown sandals, and grabbed my purse. I turned to Luke who was now wearing a Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans. "Come on. You're going to come with me to get coffees and surprise the boys," I said. "But I don't wanna share you. Besides, I'll just have to see them soon anyways cause we're going to start filming the music video for Close As Strangers in about three hours," he whinned. "No," I said, "Now come on. Let's go."

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