24.Weird Cravings

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Author's Note...Don't skip🙏🙏🙏🙏

Hi, dears...Sorry for the delay ..but what to do?... yet again, my family and I are quarantined for 14 days as another student in my daughter's school tested positive. Again we have to go through the same procedure as it is strict here in Singapore..We have been quarantined from 26th of this month to 7th September. Luckily all of our entry swab tests are negative...This time we are familiar with the quarantine procedures, but it is still tiring answering video calls and waiting for the health officers, and attending their video calls...What to do the government here is very strict. It's been hectic and has started messing my head with these repeated quarantine orders. I hope you all understand my situation. And also, keep us in your prayers. I just hope our exit swab tests are negative as well. Hope I will be able to update soon. 😫😫😫


Yadhu's POV

I eagerly returned home from the hospital to spend time with my precious wife and best friend in the evening, only to be welcomed by an empty house. Shreya is now six months pregnant, and Kani is five months. Luckily both didn't have tiring morning sickness. But Arjun had home arrested both of them much to their agony. As soon as the pregnancy was confirmed, Arjun applied for extended leave for two years, irking Shreya. When she disagreed, he threatened to resign from the job. He was transformed into a Hitler from that day, and both Shreya and Kanika were under his watchful eyes. He even prepared an entire timetable for their food and exercise and had made them follow it meticulously. Shreya and Arjun's parents visited us with many gifts for Shreya and Kani and wanted to take Shreya along with them. But Arjun, on inspecting the food items, threw them out literally after finding out that they brought Pizza and KFC for the girls. Shreya and Kani's face was worth watching when he threw away Pizza and chicken saying that it was junk food. And I was not allowed to interfere in their food arrangement as Arjun Sir declared that I'm a terrible example of choosing healthy food.

My grandpa visited us almost every month and asked us all to shift back to his home. But I refused as I don't want anything or anyone to disturb Kanika. Grandpa was sad, but he understood my concern.

Shreya was on maternity leave as her pregnancy was a bit complicated. And Arjun made sure that both Kani and Shrey get enough rest and exercise. Seeing him taking care of them made me realize that Arjun was definitely a father material.

The only time both of them were released from Arjun's jail was in the evening when I take them out for a ride in the car without Arjun. During this evening ride, I sneakily buy them both fritters and chips from the nearby shops. If Arjun ever finds out, then he will arrange my funeral service in no time.

In the third month, we found out the gender of both the babies' --- perks of being doctors. Arjun was beaming with an -I told you look -when the babies' genders were revealed. Guess what--- God granted Arjun's wish.

Thinking of the past months, I smiled and walked towards my room, calling out Shreya and Kanika.

As I entered, I found that the room was dark and eerily silent. I walked towards the window to open the curtains when four hands pulled down towards the ground.

"What the?"

"Shhhh...Yadhu, please ...don't make noise...We are hiding," Shreya's soft voice fell on my ears. I saw Shreya and Kanika sitting under the bed with a pleading look.

"Why are you both hiding? Where is Arjun?" I voiced out my worry.

"SShhh...we are hiding from Hitler. He wants us both to drink some yucky herbal medicine. Kani hates it, "Kanika said with a disgusting look on her face, and the same look graced Shreya's face.

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