Chapter 6

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Alessandro and Christine have been getting very cozy together and the staff was noticing. Christine was completely zoned out to the looks they were getting, she was just so captivated by how he was so attentive. He remembered the smallest things, the small reminders she told him the way he made her feel amazing about her insecurities that she had opened up to him about. 

They were falling for each other but Christine felt like it had been all about her and she wanted Alessandro to know that he can open up to her and talk to her. She wanted to listen to him and she had been thinking about all the nice things she could do for him. 

He had been sending flowers to her room every day. If she and the kids were going outside while he was working he made sure they had an escort. Alessandro was busy except early in the morning and late at night and so she wanted to propose a movie night with the kids to have some quality time. 

They were having breakfast when Alessandro says, "Tesoro would you like to see some of the undone projects around the hotel, I want to pick your beautiful brain even more." The warmth this man gave her. "I would love to help, but what about the kids?"  

"My parents are coming in today later in the evening so they can spend some time with them, that also gives us some time to spend together. I have something planned." Christine LOVED surprises but she also didn't like the suspense that she was left with.

"O-okay, but you need to promise me a movie night with kids. You're ever so busy and I know you love them deeply but they need to spend quality time with you. After all, you did come here to get away from work." 

He looked at her and paused for a minute before sighing 

"Honestly, I have been feeling like a distant father and honestly Tesoro( he looks at them and whispers to her) ever since their mother died I haven't been able to forgive myself for distancing myself from them for over a year. It's hard being around my angels without thinking if I'm worth being their father. Even while i tack them In at night, knowing that their eyes are closed so that I don't have to see the reflection of guilt in them is something I don't think I can forgive myself for. Yes, they lost their mother but it was selfish of me to push them away like that ." Christine's heart felt for him.

"Alessandro you are not a bad father, why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"I didn't want to be pitted by you Miele."( Honey)

Christine put down her utensils and held his hand.

"Alessandro, I want you to know that you can tell me anything, like I said before we are a team now. If anything the kids don't hate you, they love you deeply. You are literally their hero but Matteo and Aurora definitely need to see more of their father, so I ask you can you let someone else handle the paperwork?" she chuckles but she said everything in a whisper so Matteo doesn't hear them. He was watching a cartoon on his tablet.

He chuckles with her and says, "For them(He looked at the kids) I would do anything."

"Okay how about this, you spend the whole day with the kids, 'll go check out the places that need renovation, and since your parents are not coming until later in the evening you would have been back with kids, hand them over to their grandparents and ill be waiting for my surprise."

He takes her hand and kisses it and says, "I will do anything to feel like a father to them again...anything."

"I know Alessandro...I know."

                                                                  ALESSANDRO AND THE KIDS

Alessandro decided to take his kids to the beach. He couldn't describe how he was feeling about how he let down his kids. Aurora was in her little swimsuit and her hat with her barbie sandals and Matteo wore his superman costume it was his favorite. Alessandro reserved a booth kind of tent at the beach they sat down while Alessandro applied on Aurora sunscreen while Matteo was proving he was a big boy now and could do it himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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