Chapter 4

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It had been three days since they arrived in Hawaii, Matteo was loving the kids club so much that sometimes Mr. Giovanni had to physically pull him out of it. The kids were staying in the presidential suite with their father and Christine and Francesca had separate rooms. Christine did feel like it was a bit too much. 

Her room was so big, it was kind of lonely and she didn't like the feeling. She was still very happy with the accommodation so she decided to stop complaining. It was 9:00 in the morning and Matteo went off with the other kids to start the day's new adventure at the kids club. She was really happy for Matteo because he was meeting kids his age since he didn't have a sibling around his age. 

Christine and Aurora were strolling through the resort. Even though they had been here for three days, the place was so huge that even in a week you wouldn't have seen everything. Christine was wearing a sundress with some wedges and ever since she got here she liked putting flowers in her hair. 

She spots Francesca and Mr. Giovanni and decided that baby Aurora would be happy to see her daddy. Also, a part of her just really wanted to see him. "Dada!" Aurora voiced aloud and it caught the attention of Mr. Giovani, He takes the baby out of the pram and into his arms. Christine loved how when it came to his children she saw this tender side of him. 

 "What's going on here?" Christine asked curiously while looking at the barely done hotel lounge. "This is supposed to be the lounge but we really don't know what to do with it," Francesa said. Christine remembered that she did graduate college with interior design so she decided to put her two cents in.

 "Well, it's a lounge, right? start from there. A lounge is where people go to unwind after dinner so it should be a very classy place, deem lights but not to deem and you already did a great job painting the walls a dark red so put black furniture even dark brown if you're going for a bold look. Opaque curtains would work great for the nighttime. Oh and there should be an amazing amount of air conditioning, I get sweety 5 minutes after walking outside."

 Christine finishes her rambling and looks at Mr. Giovanni and Francesa who were staring right back at her. Francessca giving her more of an envious look." What? I had a life before I became a nanny you know," She smiled at them. "Do you mind writing a list of everything you just said?" Mr. Giovanni says looking at Christine. "No problem, although can I go back to the hotel room and just email it to you. The heat is usually too harsh for Aurora when she is out in the morning for too long." 

Christine says while Francesa leaves to attend to something else. " Yes, no problem, and also I would like to pick your brain more...over at dinner," he says. " Sure, what time do you want me to have the kids ready?" she asks. " I was thinking that It would  just be the two of us." Christine was taken back for a minute. "After all, this also good get to know me." Her heart fluttered at the fact that he still remembered the deal they made. " Um,y-yeah what time?" " 7:00, ill be at the main restaurant."

Christine spent the rest of her day going back to that conversation, multiple times. What was she going to wear but more importantly she was scared of his motives. Her experience with men...well one man shuttered her. She knew he was a good man but she just wanted to know for sure. Her ex-fiance emotionally abused her but even mentally she wasn't ready to remind herself of that night. 

She picks up Matteo from the kid's club and this time he was willing. She left the kids with one of the caretakers. Her name was Bailey and Christine knew she could trust her. She kisses them goodbye and leaves to prepare for her dinner. She goes to her room, and decides on wearing this red, just below the knees, silk dress. She put on some light makeup and since her skin tone was chocolate brown, she decided to put on a little nude lipstick that would much and added some gloss. She put her hair in a silked low bun and added a white lily in her hair and finished the look off with some black heels. 

She looked at herself in the mirror. Christine was never sure how she felt about her body, but it was the one God gave her so she was learning how to love it every day.

She is standing at the entrance of the main restaurant and her eyes circle the whole place until they land on him. He was in a white buttoned shirt and white pants with whitish-grayish loafers. She walks up to him and he sees her coming and was thrown off. She looked beautiful, dare he say breathtaking. He helps her sit by pulling her chair for her like a proper gentleman. 

She was looking at the menu when he realized how beautiful her skin looks under the candlelight. He made sure to get a private spot for them cause the restaurant was full of people and the bafe was being cleaned out. She ordered her food and decided to be bold with the questions she asked him.

"So, this resort must have taken years to build huh?" she says. "Yes it did, but it was worth it, she is a hidden gem of mine and I needed to come here to clear my head and this was the only place I could think of." He responds. "For a young man, you have accomplished a lot, Mr. Giovanni."        " Who said I am a young man Ms. Browne. I'm 49 years old and started this project in my early twenties." Christine almost choked on her water. "Your 49, I- I'm sorry but it's very hard to believe that. Y-you, don't look a day over thirty." she smiles. "I will take that compliment," he said.

"So what made you move to London from Italy?" she asks as they dive into their food. "There were not as many opportunities in Italy. America was a choice of mine, but I decided London was the best option." Ever since she sat down with him, she noticed how there was no lustful look in his eyes. 

He was genuine in everything he said. It made her comfortable. Even though the man was almost two decades older than her. She felt like she could tell him anything and she didn't know why. She became a little shy in her words as the night went on, but that was only because she knew the man was doing something to her heart. She was about to ask another question when he beat her to it.

"So Ms.Browne, how do you know so much about interior design," he asked. Mr. Giovanni found himself wanting to know everything about this woman. Who was she really and ever since she walked into the restaurant, red became his favorite color all of a sudden. "Before I became a nanny, I had my own company that I-I shared with my ex-fiance but..." 

He noticed that emotion grew in her eyes and he felt her heart sink. He didn't like seeing her like this, and an urge grew inside of him. He wanted her to smile and weirdly he wanted to be the reason that she did. Christine didn't know if she could bring herself to say the story. "...but he-" she was cut off when Francesca approached their table.

"Sorry to interrupt your dinner Alessandro but the business investors came earlier than we thought."

 "They were not to come until 9:00 and it's only heading to eight." He looked at Christine with an apologetic look. "It's okay Mr. Giovanni," she says with a week smile. 

Wow, he really hated seeing her like this. "Spiacente amore mio, I will make it up to you."(Sorry my love) He took her hand and kissed it. Christine's world was spinning. She knew that this was God's doing. 

If this was the amount of warmth she was feeling from the man, she knew it was of God. He smiled at her showing all his teeth. Christine could not shake the fact that the man looked ten times more attractive when he smiled. This was what she was trying to avoid but how could she. It was impossible to stop what she was feeling but she knew she wanted to pursue it. Francessca gave her an evil grin while they went. Christine wasn't surprised at all. She knew eventually that Francessca had to say or show something regarding this. 

Author's note:

Hey, my loves, now in this Chapter Alessandro and Christine go on a date. Christine was thrown off by how old her boss was but found herself feeling unbothered by it. A question Mr. Giovanni asked Christine made her think about her past and her ex-fiance and Alessandro saw that this story was a deep cut in her heart but before she could say anything, Ms. Fracncesa just had to ruin the intimate night with her oh so managing skills. Will Francesca be a problem? Will Christine act on her feelings? and how will Mr. Giovanni make it up to her? ALL IN THE NEXT CHAPTER YALL. HOPE YALL ARE GETTING SWOOPED UP LIKE I AM


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