chapter 7

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The next day Hadrian woke up and immediately started to have a panic attack and started crying, hearing this Damien rushed into the room to see what was happening and found him on the floor shaking.

Running over to him he sat in front of him and pulled Hadrian onto his lap and started rubbing his back whispering sweet words to him. When he was finally calm Hadrian told him that he hated being alone because the Krums would leave him in a room alone and just randomly come in to beat him.

Later on, in the day Damien took Hadrian out shopping while Rebecca was at her sisters. First, they went into a toy shop and told Hadrian to wait outside for a minute, Damien came back with a white plastic bag in his hands. Crouching down to Hadrians level he pulled a plush toy out of the bag and gave it to Hadrian, it was a koala holding a baby koala looking at Hadrian he said "Since you hate being alone now you wont be, the koala is holding a baby to represent you becoming our new baby boy." by the end of this Hadrian was in tears and immediately leapt into Damiens awaiting arms. After a few minutes they pulled away and went to a clothes store.

Damien told Hadrian to have a look around the store and pick up some clothes he liked. Walking around he couldnt help but wander over to the womens section. A few minutes later Damien walked over and found him in the women section looking at the clothes and went down to his level "You like womens clothes?" Hadrian immediately froze turning to Damien and started crying and apologising profusely.

Pulling Hadrian into his arms he just waited patiently holding his son till he calmed down, when he finally did Damien told him that he didnt mind and that he was more than happy to get his womens clothes, it was all about what he felt comfortable in.

They spent the next three hours shopping and picking out lots of things for Hadrian and his new room. They were bonding as father and son.

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