Chapter 5

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A few weeks later they called in Mrs Fig and asked if she had any recommendations for wizarding families who specialised in things such as children with trauma.

The next day she sent them back a letter saying that there was a couple looking to adopt and their family has had a rather good past with adopting problemed children, they asked to meet the couple. A month later and they had finally set up a meeting with the couple to come over and meet Hadrian or as they liked to call him, Harry.

Today was finally the day for them to come over and for Hadrian to meet them. Around eleven thirty a knock sounded at the door. Walking over to the door Vernon answered the door and let the couple in.

There was a man with black hair half tied in a ponytail and half down with the front stands hanging down and a fringe, he had stunning blue eyes. The woman had honey blond hair laid loosely down her back and a fringe, she too had similar blue eyes. The man was dressed in a grey jumper with jeans and white trainers whereas the woman was dressed in a black, white and brown floral of the shoulder dress with brown heels that wrapped around her feet and ankles kind of like ballerina shoes. Hadrian was dressed in a simple black and white striped top and jeans with a pair of white and gold trainers.

^The picture of the woman's shoes are on top since they are hard to describe and I probably confused you!^

HP - To have Knight blood Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt