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Avani's pov.

            Days passed by, but he would still stared at me from afar often times my heart went soft and thought to myself, if he would really regret his wrong doings and fight against the evil maybe we could start off with a new beginning, but seeing him still sucked on to brittney and bullying the weak ones i can't help but felt so disappoint.

          I've succeed in gaining trust from many people in the pack, in my free time i went to the orphanage or kindergarden as a volunteer and i must say the kids really like me, children are the ones i don't like to see being hurt, especially after what i did to anna and when i come with my force i don't want them to be scared of me or hate me.
      I've also told kris my true purpose of returning, and in about four months my pack will be arriving to take over, we decided to keep it as a secret between us because less the others know the better, Kris is an exception after all he saw me in my white wolf form, i could use the memory erasing spell but i don't want to used magic on my friend and also using some help for my plan doesn't sound so bad, with the excuse that kris and i came up we often train with our other friends secretly, its clear that they hadn't been train properly so i had to train them using my pack's learning style from the very basic.

      After two months of secretly training, the improvement in their movement and speed is clear as day.


Avani's pov.
        As i am helping the kids with their school works, i got a mindlink from Kris,

'Ava, i'm in the west underground basement 4'

'kris, find anything suspicious?'

'You have to come and see for yourself, this might be a bigger problem than we thought'

'shit! i'll come right away and don't do anything stupid'

      I excused myself from the kids and rushed with my werewolf speed, feeling anxious on what is going on, two weeks ago as i was rumaging through Danielson's office i find a contract lasting five years with someone name Travis Kingston, before i can read the details i heard footsteps in the hallway that i had to quickly snuck out, but the next time i snuck in again the file is gone as if he knows someone had their hands on the file.
     I ask Kris to look more into Danielson, he's also a computer genius so i ask him to track all his movements when he left the pack, during night time i went to visit all the location Kris provided me but whoever this man is, he really clean up his shit well. Only using my magic that i could barely find one of his hideouts, as expected they're rogues i killed all of them except for the leader, after collecting useful information on Travis Kingston, i plunged out the heart of the damn man infront of me leaving the warehouse in a bloody mess.
According to that man,something big is happening in the west underground basement 4 and something told me that this man had something to do with Mama Darcy's death. And now Kris has found something that he can't even tell through mindlink...

     I find kris on the tree branch looking so bothered, i snap his attention downwards and we both make our way down to the basement as we near the metal door, the mixture smell of different chemicals along with blood smell trigger my smell bud, its so disgusting that i almost puke thanks to my oversensitive sense of smelt.

     Then, i smelled death unlike my usual self, it makes me uneasy  almost scared to what i might find  behind this door. I see that kris is just as uneasy as i am, i nod my head at him and he cracked the password using 'john the ripper' we enter to find an empty clean room, but my nose said otherwise so using my magic i search for a secret room, ding find it .

         My blood boil, all i could see is red i felt someone touch me that i grab their neck and about to snap it but find myself taken aback when i heard the children screams , i quickly withdraw my hand seeing poor Kris fight for his breathe i almost choke him off, i almost kill my friend.
   "Ava, listen...*cough* i'm fine, okay its not *cough×2*your fault... alright?" he says with his hoarse voice, but i can't help but blame myself for failing to control my emotions. I turn back to see around twelve kids whimpering and cowering in fear they're all so thin, they almost look like they've been starving for a long time, what is Danielson doing to them?? I make way to the large Silved door but a small kid stop me with his trembling hands "don't enter... you.. will... die... if you.. go .. there.. all die.. too" what did he mean by that i tried to ask him more, as i tried to pat him he close his eyes shut as he embrace his body with his tiny arms to protect himself as if he's been hit regularly, so i drop my hands and embrace him as i rub his back "don't be scared, i'm gonna help you you'll be save"  i stand up and open the silver door, Kris pulled me back not knowing the fact that Silver don't do harm to me, i rolled my eyes and enter the room to find a huge lab with different bottles of chemicals, with several cage in the corner  theres a small door behind the cages and the stench its gives is the core source of the smell i had smelt from earlier, i clasp my mouth as tear streaked down my cheeks to find several bodies of children's corpse piled up to be disposed.
         These monsters!!! how dare they do this to the children??
          I went out to find Kris comforting the children, i told kris about my plan and ask the children to keep a secret about us coming here, they beg me to take them out of this place crying but i can't take the risk so i promise to come back for them , if things go well the next experiment will take place four days from now , kris set a hidden camera in the lab and we make our way back to the pack.
          The next day we decided to tell our friends the truth, before we do our usual training we tell them the whole truth confirming my words by seeping my alpha aura in the air that cause them all to fall on their knees.
     We came out with a brilliant plan, the day after tomorrow is the Alpha's birthday and so most of the pack members are sure to attend the celebration , and that is our chance to show up the evil deeds of Danielson.
     Let's see what excuse u came up with Danielson Lewis...


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Avàni -The True ALPHA FEMALE~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz