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Avani's pov.

"... so, you said you didn't met him yet ? Ava, your'e strong i know you can do it.. although it'd be better to take me along with you, but its your decision and i respec... Ava!!? Atleast you should've take me with you!! Anyway you didn't even give me a call did'nt you even miss me??" i giggle as i heard Rubi's loud complaints in the middle of my conversation with Jaden, "Rubi... i promise you we'll meet soon, okay? I need to take care of these filthy people myself... And i miss you all, especially you" i can hear her on the other line boasting around that i miss her the most, she's such a child... i still remember the first time i met her she's one of the victims of crazy rogues who has been using she-wolves to do experiment, of all the victims it is only Rubi that have a glimpse of hope in her eyes, she reminded me of her so i really am attracted to her, now she's my closest female friend aside from Elle.

After taking a short nap, i make sure noone's awake in my room surroundings i jump out of the window and make my way towards my save heaven, seeing that dust cover the sofa's and other equipments i guess it still stays a secret from this pack.
The waterfall is loud enough to cover the sounds made inside the cave so i took off my pyjama and concentrate on work out, satisfactions overwhelmed me as i felt sweats covering my body, muttering 'that's more like it' standing under the waterfall i let my sweats drench away... i shift to my wolf after checking out the area and let Qiv have a heartful run.

(the next morning)

I met up with kris in the hallway, he didn't have much friend but still he introduced me to his sister and his three male friends, Rob, Jack and Matt ,they have a friendly aura so i went on friendly mode myself, turns out Rob is Kris's sister,Joana's mate and Jack and Matt are cute gay couple often reminds me of Reuben and jain, my gay couple friends back at the Hella Osveta Pack. I learned that his little sister being one of the victims of Brittney made their life one of the toughest, reminding me that this is the very reason of my return to help this victims find a real home.

Entering the school kris and i make way to our other friends, i returned their smile back. Lucy and i have shared class for the first two period, Lucy is a bit backwarded in studies but what annoys me the most is the fact that this stupid history teacher Prof. Rowen kept picking her and humiliate her with every chance he get, its a shame to have teacher like him... he didn't even hide the obvious fact that he would turn his head grinning like a maniac to brittney to impress her, did he think that inpressing the girlfriend of the strongest alpha will put him in top? tsk! disgusting.

"Ms.Avani" i avert my gaze to his, he smirks and i know what's coming, by now i'm more than sure that brittney would've told him to start picking on me. Come on bring it on, this Bitch here would stuff your pea sized brain with some knowledge.

"So... Miss Avani would you mind repeating the topic i just explained a minute ago? As you're so busy wandering your thoughts around instead of concentrating in lesson.." he says, i blankly stare at his face wondering how on earth did anyone hire him as a professor.. i was brought out of my thought by the tug on the hem of my shirt to find Lucy secretly motioning the page of the lesson only then that i realise a few snickers from the left side of the room, ah annoying let's just get over this quick.. i closed lucy's textbook and avert my gaze back to the prof.
"1974, the fall of Crescent Moon Pack is it ?" i ask, he nods his head with a look that says 'don't know what to say, huh?' i smirk and start "So, as the book says the Cresent Moon Pack which was once the strongest pack in werewolf history lead by Alpha Titus Benzil Anderson, but the pack start facing hardships after Alpha Titus was backstabbed by his very own brother out of jealousy of his Success. Not hardly a year after the backstabber Riles Anderson rise to the Alpha position his incompetence and greediness brought the Pack to its rock bottom, having the Crescent Moon pack as both once the greatest Pack and the worst fallen Pack ." I smirk as i saw his mouth gape open trying to find corrections in my words but fail, "yes,yes.. anyways i go easy on you as your'e still a newbee, that question is known widely even a child would know.." what a lame excuse.. tsk, i shrug " I guess your'e right prof, the story is quite popular. But i'm curious about Alpha Titus's son whose location remain unknown during Alpha Riles reign, can you please share us your knowledge about him?" i ask innocently , he gulp and wander his eyes around nervously .. "oh.. that.. the son.. i mean , uhm.. actually there's not much, his whereabouts remain unknown.. and.. some even said that he had already died and yea he didn't play a very important role after all " what the piece of liar, you dare say he didn't play an important role?

I raise my hand, and stand up when he motions me to "Professor, but that's quite different from what i've heard . I asked you about Alpha Titus's son because i'm not fully sure of the whole story, you said he didn't play much role but from what i've heard he played the most important role." I smirk as gasp follows, i decided to press a little further "In fact, the hidden son whose name Blake Levi Anderson is actually taken in by his father's ally the Alpha couple of Bright river pack. In the year 1987, the werewolf history has recorded that the fallen pack Crescent Moon pack is completely demolished and rebuilt by none other than Blake Levi Anderson naming the new pack as Rhea Benzil pack, which is now still used as one of the main werewolf association Pack. He is also the one that correct the false history about his father, Alpha Titus's death ... if not for him, today we will never knew that Alpha Titus was backstabbed and live a lie by thinking that Alpha Titus is the one that's at fault. Afterall people are always swayed by rumors and never cared to find out the real truth behind the incident" my chest twitched and rage emit inside me by my last sentence reminding me the people who turned their back to my father, i will make them pay , but not now Ava lets calm down first... there's a time for everything. The professor face , hah! if anyone see it they'll think he saw a ghost.

"Professor, this story is widely known too among historians. Actually i'm a bit disappointed to found you haven't heard of it yet as a fellow history lover." Luckily the bell rang before he lost his face completely, i make sure to hold hands with lucy right infront of his eyes.. telling him by actions that Lucy is my precious friend, and if he dare try anything with her he wouldn't like the consequences.

The canteen is noisy as always, Lucy can't stop bragging about how cool i am, how genius i am.. and all, geez all i did was lending her some hand, but seeing how her self-concidence rose from before i guess my action's worth it.


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