Hero Training

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After the last two days of action-packed adventure, Kiyotaka sat in his seat, praying for at least some kind of break.

Luckily, he'd be getting that.

School now seemed normal, with the same boring history or math classes that he'd been in before. He was actually pretty good at it, since his mom pushed him to be his best regardless of subject. Math was a bit tricky for him at times, but only due to the long equations.

Kiyotaka was now on the way to his last class, which was the one related to heroes. He had no idea what they were doing, but he was excited for it nonetheless.

He peeked his head into the classroom, and saw Storm waiting there, once again.

"Uh, hello. Is this Hero Training 101?" Kiyotaka asked, grabbing Storm's attention. "Yep. Sit down anywhere you'd like." he decided to take a seat at the very edge of the class, only one row up from being at the very back corner.

They both waited a few minutes, watching students slowly trickle in. Eventually, the whole class had been filled with aspiring heroes.

"Welcome, students. Today is your first day of Hero Training 101, where you will learn the basics to becoming a true hero," Storm said, grabbing a stick. She pointed at some writing on the board, made with chalk.

"The three things to being a hero are..."



"And finally, reliability." she said, placing the stick down. "Being a superhero isn't just saving the day and beating up villains, but it's what you do for the citizens that defines you as both a person and a hero."

"So, with that out of the way, let's begin our first assignment."

To the testing grounds...

Storm had lead the class to the testing grounds, where the builds were very different from before. It seemed as if they had already fixed it up since the entrance exam. 

Kiyotaka was in the clustered group they called a class, donning the school jumpsuit that they had been forced to use.

'This suit is really tight...' he thought, pulling on it. It felt like it was hugging his skin almost.

Looking around, he noticed that the girl he met at the entrance exam was there.

'What was her name again? Sakura, right?' Kiyotaka thought, approaching the girl with confidence.

"Hey, you're Sakura right? We met at the entrance exam." he said, introducing himself once more. "Oh, it's you. Hashira, right?" 

"Yep. Anyway, you excited for this class?" Kiyotaka asked.

"I am, but I don't know if I'll do well." Sakura said, looking down at the ground.

"My quirk is mostly used for healing or for defense, so I have almost no attack power. It sucks."

"There's still an advantage though. You have the defensive and healing part, so maybe you'd be better at backup." Kiyotaka commented, trying to lift her spirits.

"Yeah, I guess..." Sakura said, mumbling something after.

"Alright, we can stop here." Storm said, turning to face the class. 

"Today, we will be doing hero drills!" she exclaimed. "Does anyone want to guess on what I mean by that?"

A random dark-haired boy raised his hand. "Maybe 1 on 1 fights?"

"Nope, but close." Storm answered. The boy quickly lowered his hand.

This time a girl raised her hand. "Drills on what to do in certain situations?"

"Exactly!" Storm exclaimed. The cyan-haired girl smiled to herself, happy about getting the correct answer.

"For this drill, we'll be doing 2v2 battles. There will be a villain team, and a hero team," 

"The hero team's goal is to either make the villains concede, or save the civilians by the 30 minute mark. Villains have to prevent either of those outcomes." Storm explained. "We'll do this in a tournament like fashion, and top 3 gets "points" which you should know about already."

"We'll team you up randomly, 1 boy and 1 girl, since we have an equal amount. Line up, and wait for your names to be called."

15 minutes later...

The teams had been announced, and each pair was figuring out their gameplan. The teams were:

Horikita Suzune and Miyake Akito

Sudou Ken and Kushida Kikyo

Hashira Kiyotaka and Sakura Airi

Matsushita Chiaki and Teruhiko Yukimura

Onodera Kayano and Ike Kanji

Karuizawa Kei and Hirata Yousuke

Satou Maya and Kouenji Rousuke

Hasebe Haruka and Sotomura Hideo

The first matchup would be Kiyotaka and Sakura vs Onodera and Ike. According to what he could find, Ike had some sort of sticky quirk while Onodera had a water quirk.

"Sakura, would you mind telling me how your power is used?" he asked as they stretched.

"Uh...I basically set a force field of flowers, where I can choose who can go in. Everyone who can get in has all of their injuries healed and is protected from outside injuries." Sakura explained.

"Okay...I have one more question though."


"Can the forcefield move?"



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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