First (actual) Friend

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After the test shenanigans, Kiyotaka was dismissed for the day. While he walked in the hallways, he overheard people whispering about the tests.

"Did you hear? Whoever came last in each class got expelled."

"Yeah, luckily we made it..."

'Expelled? That's quite harsh considering it's the first day...guess our sensei wasn't lying about this school being tough on their students.' Kiyotaka thought to himself.

As if it was on cue, Kiyotaka saw a brown-haired guy crying with his friend comforting him.

'I guess that was the guy who got expelled...' Kiyotaka thought.

Kiyotaka walked to the bus stop and sat down on the bench. It was around 4 PM, which means that workers should be leaving their jobs, yet nobody is at the bus stop-

A huge villain passed by, sweeping up Kiyotaka.

'Ah, that's probably the reason.'

They soared in the sky, passing through skyscrapers. A few heroes started chasing after them, but the villain's speed was way too high for them to catch up.

"Uhm... hello." Kiyotaka blurted.

"Hello." The villain responded. They seemed to have a female voice and were in their mid to high 20s.

"Do you mind letting me down? I kinda have to go home." He asked.

"Pfft- you're quite brave for someone who's in a villain's claws right now." She said, chuckling.

"Well, what reason do I have to be worried? After all, you're not going to kill me, are you?"

"Correct. I'm gonna hold you hostage, get the money and leave. Meanwhile, you can sit tight in my lair." She said, flying at supersonic speed.

Meanwhile, with the heroes...

"Dammit! She got away again." One of them exclaimed. He had light brown hair, along with violet purple eyes. His suit was black and purple and looked more like a cloak than a jumpsuit.

"That's the 17th time Nitro has gotten away. Plus, this time she grabbed a hostage! The bank is not going to be happy about this one..." Storm said, inserting herself into the conversation.

"Are we just gonna surrender? Who knows what she could be doing with that kid..." The male hero asked.

", we won't. Void, use your telekinesis at full radius, and search for the kid. I'll just search in the direction they went in." Storm said, following their trail. Void nodded his head and proceeded to go in the other direction.

Back to Kiyotaka

"Wow. This lair is quite homey," Kiyotaka said as they walked into a small basement.

"This is just the regular living accommodations. The actual villain stuff is farther down," She said, taking off the jean jacket that she had on earlier.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask your name. Could you tell me?"

"Uh, Hashira Kiyotaka ma'am. May I know yours?" He asked politely.

"Just call me by my villain name, Nitro."

"Alright then," Kiyotaka said, taking a seat on the brown couch. It was quite comfy.

"Oh yeah, my daughter should be coming home soon, so watch out for her-"

"I'm home!"

Kiyotaka looked to his right and saw a purple-haired girl with a beer in her hand. She had the same uniform as him, meaning that she went to the same school.

The girl had spotted him and suddenly jumped back.

"W-Wait...why is he here?" She asked.

"Do you know him Masumi?" Nitro retorted.

"Yeah, he got to number 1 on the throwing test at ANHS!" The girl exclaimed.

"Oh, so he's a top hero prospect too? Even better for the ransom," She said, grinning.


"Sorry, sorry," Nitro said, chuckling.

"I'm gonna go real quick, don't have kids while I'm gone!" She said, walking down to the lower part of the basement.


"Um, hello?" Kiyotaka said, not knowing what was going on.

"Hey...I didn't want us to meet like this, but I guess that's how it's gonna have to be." Masumi said, facepalming.

"I'm Kamuro, and I would like to be your friend, Hashira."



-virgin senpai

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