c h a p t e r 56: Him

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I need to get Hamza and his bad energy off my mind.

I head to the closet and change into my pyjamas. To avoid thinking or getting bored, I go to the nightstand where I was charging my laptop earlier, and grab it. Straight to my email I go.

The first thing that catches my eyes is an email address from TheFashionEyeTanzania, and as fast as lightning, I click on it: Dear Beverly Eniola Alakija, we hope this email finds you well, TheFashionEyeTanzania wishes to invite you to the fourteenth edition of our annual fashion show on the 23rd, Sat...

My left hand flies to my mouth. No way!

When I'm done reading the write up which states that I'd be covering a magazine and modelling for TheFashionEye in Tanzania, I spend the next five minutes recovering from the surprise and another ten minutes composing a reply, showing all the interest the world has to offer. After I press send, I pick up my phone and call my Idia.

"I thought your dumbass forgot about us," is the first thing I hear when she answers her call.

I chuckle. "Hold on, let me put Clara on this call,"


I dial Clara's number and she answers on the third ring. "What's up, bitches?!! Hold on, let's put this on FaceTime. I'm cooking, I'm not tryna burn my food."

We all agree and switch to video call.

There they are: Clara, standing in the kitchen with freshly done cornrows on her head, as she sets her phone somewhere on the counter. Idia, in her room, sitting in a corner, laptop in view and reading glasses on, as she too, sets her phone somewhere stable.

"How are you? How's your new location?" Clara asks, stirring whatever is in the pot.

"I've got good news and bad news, which one would you guys like to hear first?"

"Bad news" "Good news", They answer in unison.

"Slow down, one at a time, and give me reasons why,"

"I said bad news," Clara repeats, "and that's because the good news is gonna make us forget the bad news if you tell it last,"

"Idia, why should the good news go first?"

"Omo, I don't know again o," She says, taking off her glasses and focusing on the FaceTime call.

We all laugh, and it dies down after a few seconds.

"Okay, I don't know where to start but I think I'll start with the fact that this house is fuckin' huge and there are domestic workers every-fuckin-where, that makes me feel like a Queen! They have a whole cooking team, chef and all. There are peacocks, a big ass garden, military people everywhere... they picked us from the airport with a big ass SUV and police escort, you guys need to see this place...it's literally paradise," With everything I mention their faces give off how thrilled they are and it's almost hilarious.

"Girl, you actually bagged a billionaire's child! How did you do it?" Idia almost shouts, putting both of her hands on her head, "If it's your sex game, teach me, master! Teach me!"

Clara and I chuckle at her reaction.

"Does he have a brother, cousin, or even distant relatives? Hook your girl up because omo!" Idia continues. [Bruh]

I roll my eyes. "Yes, he has a brother but the guy's married and I believe he works part-time for the devil because he's the bad news,"

"Ahan" "Is he mad?" They both react.

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