His plan.

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The sun has risen, people began their morning routine. It was a beautiful morning. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and yellow. The grass was green and  flowers bloomed, there was peace for a while.

Sounds could be heard from over the hills and beyond the trees. Even beyond the small buildings in town. A large building with several floors stood tall and mighty, towering over the fairly small buildings.
We ascend to the top floor, the Sheriff's office.
"I'VE DONE EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING. TO PROTECT HIM, AND WHAT DOES HE SAY? THAT HE DOESN'T LIKE ME? WHY THE HELL DO I EVEN BOTHER? THERE'S NO FUCKING POINT." The Sheriff yelled angrily. He was breathing heavily, visibly irritated. A worker came in, to talk to the Sheriff. "Sir." The worker said. The Sheriff took a deep breath and calmed down slightly. "What do you want?" The Sheriff said hastily. "Sir, we have a report of a suspicious man smoking in an alleyway." The worker said. "I don't know, did you even talk to him?" The Sheriff replied. "No sir, we are hesitant due to the possibility of a hostile situation. We do not want to risk the lives of our civilians, or ourselves." The worker said. "I see. I'll see what I can do about the situation." "Yes, sir." The worker leaves.
"It's Hank's friend, isn't it? This will be fun..." The Sheriff said to himself.

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