~life as a family (date night pt 5)~

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mine and Harvey's little baby boy Lucas was now 2 weeks old and we were loving life as parents. Harvey is such a good dad which is amazing to watch as it's making memories.

I woke up today about 8:00am which was weird as I'm normally awake about 5:30am with Lucas. But I looked next to me Harvey was not there so I went downstairs hearing a bit of singing, as I walked into the living room I saw Harvey with Lucas on his chest singing to him and swaying him side to side.

"Morning gorgeous" Harvey said spotting me and patting the space next to him as I sat next to him putting my head on his shoulder

"Morning to my two beautiful boys" I said kissing them both

"Any plans for today?" Harvey asked me stroking Lucas' face

"I was thinking maybe I'll nip to work and let them all meet bubba"I said as Lucas put his fingers around Harvey's thumb

"Ok, if it's ok I'm going to sort some things out with the record' he said

"Of course it is, just text if you need anything

It was now currently 12:30, so I knew there would be lessons on, I walked into the building with my baby carrier scanning my lanyard allowing me in. The two receptionist smiled at me and waved seeing Lucas in his carrier, I stayed talking to them for 5 minutes about Lucas and when I'm coming back

As I walked down the corridors making my way to my classroom I spot the sign that still says

'Miss y/l/n and Mr Fletcher
and the amazing year 4s'

I slightly knocked on the door before entering

"So sorry to disturb mr fletcher, but there's somebody here who I want you all to meet" I said as there were a few 'awes' and everybody's waving across the room

I made my way to the front of the room giving Jason a hug and getting Lucas out of his carrier, the whole class came to sit on the carpet as they asked me questions and we talked

"Miss y/l/n what's his name?" One of my students Skye asked me

"His name is Lucas Leigh Cantwell" I replied as I held lucas so he was in my arms

"But miss, that's not your last name" Thomas added

"Cantwell is my boyfriends last name Thomas, so that's why he has it." I smiled

"But why don't you have that last name miss" Emma asked confused

"Because me and my boyfriend aren't married, if we do get married then I would have his last name" I explained to them

"Are you going to get married" Emma said excitedly

"Well my boyfriend hasn't asked me but I hope so yes" As I said that the bell rung meaning they were going for lunch so I said my goodbyes

Time skip 1 year and a few months
(Sorry I know it's a long skip but it's for the story)

Lucas is now 1 years old, this past year being his dad has been amazing, when y/n went back to work in may he started coming to the studio with me and photoshoots. Every time he smiles I feel like the happiest dad on earth.

So it's currently Christmas Eve and I know the perfect present for y/n, she hasn't asked for it but I think she'll love it.

"IM HOME" I heard y/n from the front door, she had been out with some people from work as part of their Christmas celebration

"Hey babe" I said walking into the living room with Lucas on my side

"Mummmyyy!" Lucas said reaching out his arms for y/n

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