"Caytlin your dad may have been a complete asshole but I'm not like that. I'm not gonna leave you in a time of need. And honestly after finding out that your dad left you in that moment I seriously want to track him down and beat the shit out of him." Azn says and I slightly laugh.

"If I knew where he was I would've tracked him down and beat the shit out of him a long time ago." I tell him. He hugs me again and I smile. I've finally found someone other then Daryn that I can trust. We head in the water and he starts splashing me.

"Hey no fair." I say pouting.

"So fair." He says picking me up.

"Hey put me down." I tell him.

"Mm, no." He says and I scream.

"Jeff put me the fuck down or I'll bite you." I tell him and he carefully sets me down. After a few more hours in the river I can swim, kinda. Oh yeah also we leave. I wrap the towel around me so I don't get Azn's truck seats wet and I get in.

"Where do you want to go eat?" He asks and I shrug.

"I don't know, you decide I'm not picky." I tell him.

"How does Burger King sound?"

"Amazing, I've been craving a Bacon King for so long." I tell him and he starts laughing.

"That's a big burger, I don't even know if I could finish that." He tells me.

"Guess I got a big appetite." I tell him shrugging. We get our food then sit in the truck in the parking lot to eat, cause neither of us wants to sit in Burger King soaking wet.

"I honestly can't believe that you're dad was such an asshole to frigging leave you like that." Azn tells me and I sigh.

"When I ask mom why she split with dad she avoids the question all together but she doesn't realize that I remember everything." I tell him, trying not to cry.

"Only answer this question if you're comfortable, but how did you make it out of that situation?" He asks me.

"Well Hannah's dad, which at the time was just a friend of my moms realized what was going on and he saved me. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful that he was there." I tell him as I finish my burger.

"You've been through so much." He says side hugging me.

"I don't like to bother others with my problems." I tell him and he looks at me. Swear to god I am gonna melt.

"Caytlin don't think like that. If something is going on you can talk to me." He tells me and I shrug.

"What are we doing next?" I ask him.

"I don't know, something." He says.

"I'm happy doing anything when I'm with you." I tell him then I cover my mouth with my hands. Damnit.

"We are most definitely talking about that." He tells me smiling and I nod.

"Hey wanna go to the park?" I ask him.

"Yeah sounds good." He says. We head to the park and I see a playground.

"Race you to the swings." I say as I get out of the truck and take off in a full sprint. He's not exactly far behind me but I'm still ahead. I jump for the swing and he moves it and I fall flat on my face.

"Oh my god, you are such a sore loser." I say laughing as I turn around to lay on my back.

"How in hell are you so fast?" He asks as he swings on the other swing.

"I was in track my freshman year." I tell him as I get on the other swing.

"So about what was said earlier..." Azn starts and I start talking.

"Ok the truth is, I've had a crush on you since the day I first met you. I stuttered, I forgot my damn name, I fell head over heels for you instantly. I've just need nervous to say anything cause I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same." I blurt out quickly.

"Can I speak?" He asks jokingly and I nod.

"Caytlin, I felt the same. I still feel the same." He says and I look at the ground smiling.

Azn POV: (Suprise)

God words literally can't explain how much I love her. Everyone but Daryn sees her as weird and crazy but I see her as someone who finally gets me. She makes me stutter and blush and actually care about what I'm doing. I need her in my life, and as more then a friend.

"Hey Cayt?" I ask her.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She says quickly and I try not to laugh.

"And you say I'm the mind reader." I tell her and her face lights up.

"Does that mean?" She asks hopefully and I nod. She hugs me, er she uh murders my ribs.

"It's getting late, I should probably get you home." I tell her and she nods. I drop her off then head home. That day went different then expected.

GUYS!!!! THE OTHER DAY RYAN LIKED MY PHOTO ON INSTAGRAM AND IM STILL FREAKING OUT!!! Also the other day my dad told off a man at McDonald's that was being a dipshit to a woman for no reason, is that good or bad? Also let me know what you think.

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