Kim Seokjin | Karaoke

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"What song would you like to pick?" He said, eyes still pierced to mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach. His state was something different....

"Any is fine, what genre do you like?"

"I like music so for me anything is fine."

"Can we take some Pop then?"

"Sure..ahh.. yeah these are the songs. Would you like some English songs? I really like this song from One Direction"

"Sure, I can sing speak English though"

Jin played one of the song's from them.
What makes you beautiful
And heck, how does he knows I like that song?!

Trust me when I heard his voice for the first time I knew he'd be good at singing but didn't even thought it'd be so good! He started singing really well at first but once he got all hyped........ i don't know if he was singing or not

"Jin" I called him but he was too busy jumping to that song and singing side by side

"Jin!" No response


"Ahh what??"

"Let me sing? Or is it only you who is gonna sing for the rest of the time?"

"Ahhh yeaaahhh take this..... If only you saw what I can see......."

I laughed at how he was jumping more, and singing less. He was a total child!

Then the karaoke went on for more than 2 hours. We had to pay extra for it but we didn't care because we enjoyed so much. There was food available in there so we ordered it there and ate it. It was so much fun. It was as if we knew each other from a very long time. He is very jolly and sweet.

We were walking back now. His hands in his pockets and my hands on my sling bag.. It was almost midnight. It was silent until Jin spoke up



"You didn't tell me where you live...we're just walking. My house is here"

"Oh is it...ahh, you can go.. I'll go on my way by myself."

"nope, I'lol walk you home"

"Jin, I will go don't worry"

"Why not? I mean is there any problem?"

"No I mean, you can be a stalker so that's one of your tricks to fool me by walking home and then stalk me, take my money and kill me. Who knows I mean you still are a stranger after all"

"Oh yeah this is the problem, of course I still am a stranger but you already know me. Well, my house is already here. And I have work tomorrow. A proper work where I'm the CEO of a company. There's no chance I would walk my ass to your house at 2am just to kill you. I could just go in my house and sleep, but you're alone. And safety of women is important for me, okay? so on this basis you decide whether I'm still a psycho stalker or a robber."

He took a deep breath

"You are a CEO?"

"I am"

"Oh my god, it kinda looked like you were rich from seeing your house but I never even thought you being so rich while we were there in karaoke, I mean you're just so simple and cute and... handsome"

He narrowed his eyes and started moving towards me, and when I saw him doing that, I instantly moved back.

"So you find me cute and handsome I see?"

One step by another, he kept going until my back had hit his apartment's gate wall. He trapped me by keeping one of his hand on the wall on the either side of my face.

"I told you.. you might be someone scary. See if you even try to do anything, I'll scream, very loudly. "

He breathily chuckled and stepped back crossing his arms and again piercing his eye on mine

"You're adorable. Now let me walk you home"

With that said, we were already infront my house. Standing and basically starring at it. The awkwardness in the air increasing every moment..



We said in unison and chuckled.

"I'll get back home okay?"

"Yeah you should"

"And look, I didn't took your money and killed you"

"my luck sir" I bowed and smiled

"Bye, take care"

"You too."

He looked at my lips for a mere second and immediately walked away. One night that will surely be remembered, well i did find it something special


I found myself standing outside the door while Jin was infront of me smiling.

"You should probably go now" I said to him

Yes, it's the third time we went on a friendly date. That night when he went away, but he again came back just to ask for my number stating he would've love to meet me again and take me on a friendly date. I found it too adorable And I agreed, obviously I'm already 27 and I don't have a boyfriend. I need to spice up my love life a little so I agreed going with him. And well it was pretty good, we enjoyed a lot. Jin was a good man, really good. He was kind and bubbly. And I loved that part of his the most. We both enjoyed each other's company. So we planned few dates and this one's the third. It was fun as always.. he took me to star gazing and we ate pizza there while he played guitar and sung some songs for me, with his most beautiful voice.

"I had fun today" he said

"Me too"

After a moment silence, he again spoke up

"Y/N, can we stop referring our dates as friendly dates?"

I understood by what he meant, but dude, speak it up to me, I wanna listen the real thing by your mouth

"You mean?"

"Let's call it a proper date then"

"Ahh, okay"

"I would like to turn you and me as us" he softly said, his eyes were glittering

I instantly blushed and looked down, Jin took the opportunity and stepped forward. He took my chin in his hands and looked in my eyes

"Do you know how pretty you and your eyes are? Well I got my answer and I've waited from so long that now it's irresistible"

He placed his lips on mine and gave it a long peck. I felt butterflies.. I felt a blossom in my heart, and boy the way it fluttered.. I smiled.

"See you very soon, love"

"Good night Jin"

He saw the my blushing mess and proudly walked back home

Then? It was the best decisions I ever made, to go to the karaoke instead of the restaurant, a decision I won't ever regret.

My universe is so pure! It's one of best collab bts has done. It's just so beautiful and moving.
Imagine them singing it live soon after this pandemic in a brimful stadium! Gosh I will cry-
I love those boys so much...
take care of yourself guys! Ily 💜

BTS IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora