3 - His Checkerboard Scarf

Start from the beginning

"No way! What if they come back and we're gone?!" an android-like student asks. "We'll get in tons of trouble!"

"It's better than wasting our time doing nothing," a brunette says, playing with her pigtails. The robot opens his mouth to protest, but is interrupted by the sound of a door bursting open.

"I'm here, class!" our teacher steps into the room with his hands full of paperwork. "My meeting ran a little late..."

"A little?" a student in the back scoffs.

"Instead of starting instruction today, how about we spend some time getting to know each other?" our teacher proposes. "My name is Mr. Kizakura. We didn't get to meet yesterday, but it's important for you all to know that I'll be your homeroom teacher this year. And I won't always be this late, haha!"

The class remains silent.

"Hm... tough crowd," Mr. Kizakura mutters. "Well, how about we go around and introduce ourselves? I won't make you do icebreakers if you're enthusiastic enough!"

The class groans before the student closest to the front stands up from his seat, trudges over to the whiteboard, and writes down his name with a dark blue marker. "I'm Ryoma— Ultimate Tennis Player." He sits back down abruptly and waits patiently for the next person's turn.

After a series of diverse introductions, the whiteboard was decorated with colors and styles of all sorts. From first to last seated, the board read:

Ryoma Hoshi
Angie Yonaga
Miu Iruma
Maki Harukawa
Rantaro Amami
Kaito Momota
Shuichi Saihara
Kirumi Tojo
Tenko Chabashira
Himiko Yumeno
Kaede Akamatsu
Korekiyo Shinguji
Gonta Gokuhara
Tsumugi Shirogane
Kokichi Ouma

Finally, the entire class had finished their introductions. As Mr. Kizakura whined about us "rushing through the activity," a feeling of urgency suddenly pumped through my veins.

"Not this again," I mutter in my head. I'm aware that I'm extremely prone to anxiety; I have small meltdowns so frequently that it's become a normalized (yet embarrassing) part of my life. I become hypersensitive to my environment and existence in general, which makes my worry skyrocket. I learned how to mask it well over time, but it never goes away when I do so.

Fortunately, the bell rings seconds after my panic begins. I pack my things quickly and rush out of the classroom, racing to find the nearest bathroom. I hurry down the hallway, vision locked onto the ground so nobody could see the tears burning in the corners of my eyes. What is wrong with me... why did this have to happen so suddenly?

After an agonizingly long walk through the hallway full of people, I finally reach the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall and sit down, exhausted. My emotions are draining and I can't bear to be around anyone at the moment. I just need to calm down... but how? I don't even know what triggered my anxiety in the first place!

The bell rings again to signify the end of the transition period. I was officially late for class. I know I shouldn't skip, but I don't have the energy to sit through another class. I have to leave.

I take a deep breath and exit the stall. Before leaving the bathroom, I stop to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and still teary, and my pale skin was practically crying for help. Honestly, I look like I'm sick. Maybe I could use that as an excuse to go home...?

I turn to head towards the door, but immediately lock eyes with another person. "Gah-!" I shout in surprise. "H-How long have you been there....?"

"Not long," the student responds. "Are you good?"

"...Yeah, I'm fine." I say. I'm not going to dump my problems onto someone else. It's nice of him to ask, though.

"You're sure?" he asks, tilting his head in a curious manner. His purple hair bobs as he moves. "You look kinda sick."

"I'm heading to the clinic right now," I reassure him. I begin to say my thanks, but he quickly shrugs and leaves the room before I can finish. As the door shuts behind him, a realization dawns upon me.

How come I didn't hear him enter? I think to myself. I should've heard his footsteps, and I definitely should have heard the door open and close. Was he in here the whole time? Or maybe he snuck inside... but why would he need to do that?

I lean against a wall as I assess the encounter. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does. Was I being watched, or was I just being paranoid? Why did he leave the bathroom without using it? Why did he come here in the first place? And why did his eyes seem so... familiar?

And then it hit me. That boy was in my class! He introduced himself as Kokichi Ouma: the Ultimate Supreme Leader. He sits in the very back of the classroom next to Tsumugi. He's also the one with the nice uniform from earlier. It was easy to connect the dots from there. The silent footsteps must have something to do with his Ultimate Talent, and he might have seen me rush out of the class and went to check on me. That explains why he left after I told him I was fine! I let a smile of satisfaction spread across my face. I enjoy solving mysteries, no matter how small they are. But all that worrying about silent footsteps and sneaking is making me realize why I felt so anxious all of a sudden; I had felt somebody's eyes burning into the back of my head during class.

Somebody was watching me... but who?

Word Count: 1601

{DISCONTINUED} You're Perfect for Me" // A Saiouma StoryWhere stories live. Discover now