05 | Lonely Erudition

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THE GLOWING SUN had begun its steady descent from the sky

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THE GLOWING SUN had begun its steady descent from the sky. The sharp rays, that had managed to slip through the shield of clouds, were concentrated on the shiny surfaces of the keys dangling from the ignition.

My attention was drawn to the silver keyring my mama had gifted me a few years ago, with a small pearl of wisdom engraved that read make good choices. It was like she had a sixth sense for when I was about to let my emotions drive me towards doing irrational stuff.

My fingers traced over the font, tenderly, and a sense of comfort settled around me as I thought about her.

The blaring sound of a horn jolted me from my reverie. The friction of the seatbelt jerking against the exposed skin of my neck elicited a cry of pain. Cursing myself, I brought my hand up to the sensitive area in an attempt to soothe it.

With ringing ears and an aching neck, I glanced in my rearview mirror to the truck that was behind me. The angry expression covering the driver's face had my eyes darting to the traffic light, which was now projecting a bright green light.

"Sorry," I whispered sheepishly to the irate driver as I stepped on the gas pedal. There was no way he could have heard it but maybe he was a skilled lip reader and was able to catch my apology.

My annoyance had lessened since I first opened and read the letter from Romero Vitale. The car journey had offered me time to skillfully deduce that he had just made a simple mistake. Anyone could've easily accidentally inserted one too many zeroes.

My car pulled up to the Italian style house. It was just as captivating as the last time I had the pleasure of looking at it.

Sleeping leaves crunched under the soles of my black boots as I moved from my car and towards the entrance.

In haste, I ran my hand down my skirt, smoothing the pleats before I lifted my hand to the large door and gave it a knock as powerful as my fist would let me.

There was no movement for a few moments and I considered dashing back to my car and forgetting about the letter altogether. Fate appeared to make the decision for me as the heavy door creaked open to reveal Mr. Grumpy.

He blinked at me a few times, trying to place my face, before a look of recognition passed in his dull eyes.

"You again," he grumbled.

"Me again," I replied with a beaming smile.

He appeared reluctant as he spread the door wider for me to enter.

I waited until he had closed it before speaking to him. "I'm here to see Mr. Vitale."

"He is in his library." He brushed past me swiftly, leaving me to navigate the dark house by myself.

Although it was only a few days ago, the house felt different than the last time I was here. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but there was a distinct atmosphere here that I didn't notice before.

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