"You can't kill me! Only a god can do so!" The giant choked out, this was his last weapon.

Percy burst out in fits of laughter, as he wiped a tear away, "I'm not a demigod or a god! I'm bloody Percy Jackson ruler of Ancient Erebus, so long Idiot!"

Mimas' head flew through the air before landing with a loud clang against a heap of metal.

"Ughh gross!" Percy rubbed his ichor covered hands on the dead body of Mimas. "Shoot!" Percy cried out, remembering LIam, he burst into shadows before reappearing beside Liam's body.

Percy raised two fingers to check his pulse, "Come on!" No pulse, Percy placed his hand under Liam's neck, he felt something wet, blood.

Percy cursed, his skull was split open, leaving a tiny bone protruding out. His arm was at an awkward angle and his sword was laying right beside him.

Weirdly enough for a demigod, Liam wasn't lying down on the ground or even a piece of trash, he was lying down on a perfectly smooth shield with greek markings carved in the shield, 'Perseus'.

Percy frowned that this shield could be a message from the fates or a coincidence, inferring on how the fates always mess up his life, it was a message.

The shield was reflective, it was basically a mirror. Not common, in ancient Greece, for a shield to be like a mirror.

Percy lifted the shield carefully from under LIam's head to see the injury, he placed his hands over Liam's head, using his healing powers.


"Styx!" Percy yelled in rage, he sat on the ground cursing the fates. Even if he wasn't very close to Liam, it wasn't right, Liam had a mother to return to,and a step brother as well.

It was confirmed by the fates, Liam was dead.



"How much for the boat." Thalia asked, looking over to her comrades as if they were thinking the same thing. Bianca shook her head, Zoe only glared at every male passing by. Old habits die hard.

"That?" The man pointed over to a yacht, before shrugging. "You kids have enough money?"

Bianca shook her head furiously, "No! I-we need to get a small boat. Fitting 3 people."

"Rowboat or speedboat?"

Thalia and Bianca glanced at each other, and non verbally both agreed that rowing a boat hundreds of miles probably wasn't the ideal way of travel.

"Speedboat." Thalia spoke, quickly looking for any kind of payment anywhere.

"1500, ladies. Are you sure you can afford it? You don't look like you're carrying wads of cash anyways."

Zoe's nostrils flared nearly instantly, even at the small mention that a "disgusting male" would even have the nerve to call her a lady. It was polite indeed, but this girl was one of Hades kind of paranoid.

"Don't call us that again, pig." She spat, just as Thalia launched herself forward, quickly and trying to keep Zoe quiet.

"Now, now." The man didn't even seem fazed by Zoe's outburst, he only just shrugged it off before demanding cash.

Bianca simply decided to pull out a drachma, and just shove it into the man's hand before sprinting off towards a random boat. Just as quickly, Zoe followed.

"Hey, now!" The man called, before grabbing his phone but he fumbled for it. "I'll call the co-"


Thalia silenced the man while a...not so deadly punch straight to the man's lower jaw that would definitely need to be fixed soon. Thalia turned on her heels, before dashing her way to the boat.

Zoe, overpassing Bianca, was the first one in the boat and also the first one who started to get the engine started.

"Don't start the engine, you moron!" Thalia screamed straight at Zoe, who only continued. Bianca quickly jumped into the speedboat and as Thalia was about to, the boat suddenly lurched itself forward.

Screeching, Bianca subconsciously just grabbed Thalia's arm, and the Daughter of Zeus quickly drank a cupful of water before Bianca lifted her up and into the boat.

Soon enough, Thalia was spluttering out water. Trying her best to get the taste of unclean water out of her throat. After a moment or two, Zoe decided to simply turn her back and continue staring off wherever.

Bianca followed that example, preferring not to see someone puke. That usually wants to make her puke, and she definitely was not willing to puke breakfast.

Soon enough, Thalia finished with her "outburst" (Zoe called it) and by the time she was done: Zoe promptly banged her bow against Thalia's forehead, to knock the girl unconscious. It'll be better if the Daughter of Zeus...well didn't have the chance to backtalk Poseidon's domain. In his domain.

It'll mean certain death that no one wants.

Bianca and Zoe only stood there, awkwardly sitting beside each other with an unconscious Daughter of Zeus behind them. The silence was only broken when Zoe started speaking.

"Have thou made thy decision?"


"Did thou make a decision? Are you going to join the hunt?" Zoe questioned calmly, still staring up into the sky. By now it was slowly sunset, with the sun barely reaching the point where beautiful colors light up the sky.

Bianca turned away, staring at the water instead. "Well...I don't know. It sounds great and all but-"

"Thou brother is simply going to become a pig, just like the other males."

"He's not." Bianca spoke, frowning upon Zoe. The lieutenant quickly covered it up,

"All males are the same. Dirty people, only using us for their personal pleasure. It simply is not right. The female race should do something, punish the males. I found a few good torture methods..." Zoe trailed off.

"They never did anything to me yet, so who am I to hate them for?" Bianca questioned, suddenly defensive about males. "Not all of them are bad."

Zoe's face darkened under her forehead, as a shadow was casted upon her Persian face. "That is where thou are wrong, Bianca. Do any of the stars-are they dark?"


"Exactly. A few are destroyed due to human development. Tell me, who made the first lightbulb?"

"Umm...Thomas Edison?" Bianca questioned, though she was a bit confused.

"He's a male, right? He ruined nature."

"Wouldn't women have done the same thing?" Bianca suddenly asks, now forcing herself to look up into the sunset.

"They would have recognized the problem earlier-"

"It isn't fair."

"First let me continue. Those stars, they never turn dark. Those males, they never are good. It's just nature, that's it." Zoe said, before inching her way away to a corner of the boat before falling asleep.

Bianca was tasked with simply steering, quickly giving both Thalia and Zoe a comfortable sleeping position. She watched the sunset collapse as the moon rose, and she murmured a prayer to Artemis to watch over them. Her eyes occasionally glazed almost shut, before she forced herself awake.

Eventually, she dozed off somewhere in the middle of the night.

Silence followed for the next few hours as all the girls were asleep, the speedboat randomly going straight. Hopefully not in its demise. Unfortunately Fate has it as they are still not awake. Yet ahead of them, where some of the most skilled fishers failed, are the rapids.

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