Andy Biersack smut - part 1

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"Pheeeew." I sighed out of relief while slowly sitting down on a nearby steps and reaching for my pocket to get a cigarette. What a tiring night. The screams and shouts of excitement can still be heard from a venue, no wonder, it's right opposite the steps I've decided to sit on. It was a beautiful concert, full of emotions. Don't get me wrong, I would love to stay after and wait for an autograph but the crowd seems younger and younger every year. Maybe I am getting too old for this shit. Whatever, I shook those thoughts out of my head, I am not gonna let this ruin the great experience from the concert. I smile as I think about it and as I replay everything in my head, the cold breeze slightly stroking my red cheeks. I reach for my pocket once again, searching for a lighter, I can't smoke a cigarette without it, obviously. Unfortunately, I could'n find it so I tried once again, looking everywhere. I sighed again, out of frustration this time. I looked at the cigarette and rolled my eyes, damn, I could really use a drag right now. I kept the cigarette in my hand, slightly rolling it with my fingers while watching the street. It was already a deep night, the street was dark and narrow, someone might get spooked from this view but I was somehow enjoying it. The street light illuminating only a wooden bench few meters away. 'Wait, why am I sitting on steps when there is a bench literally few steps from me?' I thought and rolled my eyes again. Typical me...

There was a firm sound behind me, footsteps, getting closer and closer, but I didn't realize it, I was too deep in my own thoughts, I was enjoying this moment and this view too much to notice. The stranger getting close to me was quiet even when he reached my level. I felt his presence but I still didn't move an inch. I didn't feel the need to, I felt save for some weird reason. The sound that woke me up from my mind wandering was a lighter clicking. I blinked rapidly, I was confused for a few seconds but then I felt how the still not lighted cigarette brushed over my fingers and remember my annoyance, I rolled the cigarette in my hand once again as I looked up to see a tall man handing me his lighter. I froze at the moment I saw his eyes. The crystal clear blue eyes watching me, investigating me. The tall man was grinning at me as his reached hand started to shake nervously, offering me the lighter. I knew who he was. I knew him too goddamn well. But he just couldn't be- Or could he be...? Him? "C' mon little girl, just take it, I see how annoyed you are." He said in a deep raspy voice. It was him. It really was Andy fucking Biersack himself. I wanted to seem as calm as possible. I was not a wet 12 year old fan anymore. I managed to keep a straight face and just grin devilishly at him, taking the offered lighter and saying the quiet: "Thanks, mister." I made sure to look him right into his beautiful eyes and wink. This was my chance. Could I seduce him? At least I could maybe have some fun with him.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face. That's exactly what I wanted, the game was on. He knew that I knew who he was, he just thought I would freak out probably. I looked away from him as I lit my cigarette and finally took a big drag right into my lungs. I closed my eyes before I let out a deep breath, smiling and chuckling. "Wow," he chuckled at me as he was sitting down, right next to me, it was funny how tall he was, considering how small I was, even when he sat down, I looked like his little sister or something. "You really needed that, didn't you?" He finished his sentence and glared at me with his cigarette in the corner of his lips. This. Was. Hot. I nearly got lost at this sight, I was normally pretty calm around boys, I loved playing with them, but this was different. He made me nervous. I shook those nervous thought out of my head as I returned him the smile, taking another drag, blowing the smoke right into his face in a playful way and saying: "You bet I did." He smirked at me, his cigarette in his hand covered in veins lowering down to his hip level as he bit his bottom lip. My mouth went dry and my throat was suddenly so tight, I could even feel a small drop of cold sweat rolling down my back. I had to calm down, I couldn't screw this up. I looked at the street again to avoid his perfectly shaped face with those sharp jawline and cheekbones. "So, what are you doing here?" I asked him to break the silence. I was still watching the street but I could tell that he was glaring at me as he took another drag, answering my question: "I wanted to take a little break, had to relax, you know, after singing for almost two hours." He said in such a cocky way. I looked at him surprised with my mouth opened as I was in some kind of a shock. "What?" I said: "So, that was your concert right there?" I pointed to the venue, still playing dumb and surprised.

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