When tin pick his call, ceil place his phone near can ears

Can got confuse with his p' action but when he heard other line got him froze

"Yes ceil" said Tin

Tin don't know who was actually one other line, when he didn't get any answer after some times he got up angry

"If you are not going to talk ceil, I will hung the call" said tin in strong voice

After hearing Tin voice Can unable to answer it in fear but when tin decided to hung the call, he flinch slightly and with a broken voice he spoke up

"P" said can in small voice

Tin get shocked to hear Can voice, he drop his one shoes while wearing it, he again check caller id and it was same as before "Ceil"

"P' are...you..uhm....angry on me?" asked can shaking voice

Tin get confuse with can question and with his shaky voice 

"Why did you leave me alone?" said can 

after saying that can come to realize what did he said, he blushed like beetroot and hide his head on his P' neck

Tin literally forget whatever he was doing and he take some times while trying to understand what can was saying and................ everything click in place

A beautiful smile decorate tin face and his cold lifeless eye feel with warm and sparkle 

He sat on floor and take a deep breath before speaking


"Can I am not angry with you"

"And I am sorry that I leave without noticing you"

"I got some urgent work that's why I leave suddenly"

Complete tin speaking 

After hearing Tin, Can smile whole heartily and spoke up

"Thank you phi"

"Thank you phi for this delicious foods that I share with my teammate"

Complete can with cheerful voice

Which lift tin mood immediately, Tin hum in reply

"Did you eat?" asked Tin because he has feeling that can didn't eat anything

Can was surprise to hear tin question and he felt butterfly on his tummy instead of mouse 

"No phi" answer can 

"Can keep the call on speaker, I am sure ceil was with you" said tin

Can obey tin order like a good kid

"Phi you are on the speaker" reply can

"Ceil, make sure that can eat fully and after come to office we are going to have meeting in evening" order Tin

"Yes boss" reply ceil

"Than I take my leave, Can eat as much as you want" said Tin with gentle voice

"Yes phi, thank you" answer can

Tin hum in reply and was going to cut the phone when he heard

"Phi don't skip your lunch" said can in small voice he was blushing and he have zero idea why?

Tin hum and cut the call before leaving his apartment, Tin pick up two sandwich and a bottle of fruit juice.

On can side, ceil gently remove can hand from his wrist and take his phone from can hand

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