For You

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Of course Leon was involved. He put himself dead on the middle of it. It just didn't make sense why should they would put a stupid note in my suitcase.

"Y/N there's something I have to tell you," they spoke up. I already knew that they were going to brush past it. "Leon what the fuck are you and Ken up to and why? Also why the hell am I here?"

I hear them sigh, "That's what I need to talk to you about." He walks up to me and tries to grab my hands. I quickly back away knowing what he was trying to do.

They take a deep breath before speaking. "Y/N you're going to want to sit down. Its going to be a long story."

They explain everything to me. From the first time they talked to Ken to what happened just now. It was a lot to take in.

"So what Leon you just decided to be selfish. Tried to start up drama just for some money that was non existence. You know I'm glad that Ken didn't have any money. I don't know why you believed he had any money in the first place." Leon just looks down at their feet.

"So Ken has a room in this hotel?" He nods their head. "Well you right now are going to take me to his room. Me and Ken need to have a little conversation."

They still don't meet my eye. "Y/N I'm not going to take you to him just to kill him." I shake my head. "I'm not going to kill him. At least not today. Me and him need to have a long needed conversation."

They finally look me in the eyes. "Fine
Y/N I'll take you to him. But When I take you there I'm leaving." I give them a confused look. "Where do you need to go?" They then break eye contact looking everywhere but me. "I'm going to the café I need to clear my head. But I want you to come when you're done. I have something important to tell you."

"Why can't you tell me right now." He looks down at their feet. "Because Y/N I don't know how to say it yet. But just come." I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know I have to go to Clays house to explain everything to him." He continues to look down at his feet. "I'll still be their waiting. I'll wait all day. For you."

I was reluctant but then agreed. "Fine but take me to Ken now." They shake their head and started walking to the door.

We walk out of the door down the hallway towards the elevator. There was so much tension in the air. It was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I know Leon could feel it and I wanted them to feel it. We reach the elevator and they push the down button.

It finally came up and went to the third floor. I could tell Leon wanted to say something to me the whole time. I wondered what's as it he had to tell me that was so important.

We finally reach down and the elevator door opens. We walked out and I followed Leon down the hallway. While we were walking someone approached us.

"Hey do you guys know where I could get some good coffee around here? I don't really know around this area yet." I look over at Leon because he knows all of the spots. "Yeah actually I'm going to café right now. You could tag along if you want. I just have to show him somewhere first."

I take a look at their appearance. Two things stood out to me the most. Their red hair and Blue beanie. I realized I had zoned out and focused back on the conversation. "Oh yeah totally forgot my names Daniel or you can just call me Danni." "Okay well Daniel I'll meet you outside me and Y/N have to do something first," Leon says. He smiles then walks off towards the elevator. I hear Leon mumble something under his breath.

"What was that?" He Quickly looks up at me, "Nothing! let's just go." I shrug it off as I continue to follow him down the halls. When we finally reach the door he stops and knocks. We wait a while before the door opens. It was Ken with a bruised nose. What ever happened, it was well deserved.

He tries to close the Door but Leon puts their foot in the way and then pushes open the door. Knocking Ken down onto the floor. I walked through the door like nothing happened. I looked back at Leon. They did a little wave before closing the door. I look back over to see Ken finally standing up looking at me.

"Finally came crawling back to apologize to me," Ken smirked. I just simply laughed. "You really think that I would apologize to you and for what exactly?"

"Oh I don't know leaving me out of everything! Y/N look where we are. We are in Florida. You did not even speak to me once about it."

I start looking around the room like I'm looking for something. "Last time I checked you're not my mother, and I don't have to report back to you."

He chuckles at me. "Y'know the only reason You didn't want to tell me about your relationship with Dream Y/N, because You were scared to face the truth."

I roll my eyes at him trying to be some movie villain. "Firstly I don't have a relationship with Clay. Second what truth?"

He gives me an amused face. "Wow you even know his real name. Just even proves my theory." I look at him with a bored expression. I move my hands in a way to tell him to hurry up. He turned away from me to speak. "Y/N your just His Whore. You his fling until he finds someone new. That what the famous li-" I cut him off by grabbing his neck from the back. I started putting pressure into a certain point in his shoulder. Then after a few seconds his bodies go limp in my arms. I drop him down and look at him.

I didn't kill him I just made him pass out. I would never kill anyone. But I would always knock them out. Thank you Jennette McCurdy for that.

I walk over to his body and reach into his pockets and took out his wallet. I opened it to find three hundred dollars in it. "This is for my emotional damage." I drop the wallet back down and walk over to the service phone. I hit the emergency button and hurried out of the room to the elevator.

Clays POV

I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Y/N to arrive. If he'll arrive that is. Last time he told me that he never even came back.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss
Y/N. He was so lively around here. I love Sapnap don't get me wrong, but it was nice to have Y/N here.

Sapnap was currently in his room. I told him that we should have this conversation alone.

But now I'm just waiting for Y/N to walk through the door. If Y/N was telling the truth, then why was his 'boyfriend' saying all of this. Something isn't adding up.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a soft knock at the door. I got up and walk to the door and opened. There Y/N was standing on the other side of the door. He looked like he could kill someone. "Sit down I have a lot to say." The things I do for you Y/N.

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