The first Elimination

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It was time. Austin had now already started streaming. 24k brown magic is playing some music on His guitar. He was so good at guitar. He always made it enjoyable, before the show. I'm listening to him play while we wait for Austin to tell us to start.

The call is very quiet as we are all very excited. Dreams in the zoom but we can't see his face. He was a faceless YouTuber. I didn't really mind it, I thought it was actually cool. I seen a lot of his fan art with his mask and it's all really cool.

I look back at the stream to see it's Austin on the screen now. Introducing himself and Dream. I would say I was nervous but I wasn't. I felt extremely confident. I picked host because I knew I wasn't going to win. So I didn't really have anything to lose.

I mute the stream because I know Austin's coming in at any second, and I don't want it echoing. I'm sitting there waiting and reading chat. Everyone was cheering for a different person. When I seen my name my smile grew bigger. People were actually cheering for me.

I looked over at the viewers 178k. My eyes grew wide for a second. I've never been live in front of any more than 3k people at a time. This was all so new to me. But I loved it. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I hear a voice speak.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WAVE TO THE CAMERA, YOU'RE ON LOVE OR HOST FEATURING DREAM", Austin announces. We all waved at the camera and smile. "Welcome aboard thanks for all joining us today Ladies and gentlemen. Today we have Dream who has never been on the show before. How about Dream you give us a little introduction will ya."

"Okay well hello, my names Dream or Clay. I'm 21, I live in Florida with Sapnap. And I play Minecraft." "Thank you Dream. Now Dream I want you to look around. See all these beautiful people took time out of their days to come try and win your heart Dream." " Yeah I see". Dream says. "Let's not waste anymore of their time. Let's do some introductions, first on the cast we have Ms ofeilabear."

Everyone claps and she starts speak. "Hi Dream my names ofeliabear. I'm known to be one of the biggest roblox streamers. I'm here today because I heard you stream Minecraft, and streaming Minecraft makes you a millionaire. I'm really attracted to millionaires." "So what you only want him for his fucking money," Minx says. "Yes, I mean no no of course not. I like Dream for his... Dreams." Dream, and few others, and I start laughing. "Alright thank you very much, welcome Aboard the show ofeliabear", Austin says and everyone claps for her.

I like Ofelia I seen her on love or host before. She's really funny and super pretty. She also does really good bits. She also has Dreams name up on the wall behind her.

"Okay next on the list. We have, Qwuacc aka heather, joining us here today. Why don't you introduce yourself." "Okay hello I'm Qwuacc or you can call me heather, up to you. I'm a variety streamer. I stream all types of games I sometimes play Minecraft, and I also do art streams. I'm here for Dreams love so hopefully I can get it." "Okay thank you very much welcome Qwuacc, aboard the show".

Heather was always so sweet. She had short brown hair that really fit her. She also had a soft sweet voice.

"Next on our list we have. For the first time on this show, we have. Mr. Makorish, Come on and introduce yourself". "Okay hello everyone, my names Makorish, or you can just call me Ash. I stream Minecraft, Mostly bedwars. I'm 24 from Kentucky , and I really like pizza rolls." "Pizza rolls?? Why Pizza rolls," Dream ask. "Because pizza rolls are delicious why else." "Fair point" I say. "Okay thanks you so much Makorish, welcome aboard the show."

Makorish he seemed funny when we chatted earlier. he's new to love or host just like me so I don't really know him. But he's stunning. He had short wavy hair. And black t-shirt with the word King on it. He also had brown eyes to that matched his hair. He had A green screen that was set In Minecraft.

Love or host (dream x masculine!reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat