Love? or host?

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It's the day of the love or host. It's been two days since My interview. It's 8:43am and I'm currently sitting on my couch watching Netflix, while I eat cereal. No one has gotten back to me about my interview. So I assumed that I didn't get on. But it was honestly fine. I still had a lot of fun.

x1 new message

Melody: good morning how is everyone today.

I'm doing good I woke up not too long ago.:Y/N

Melody: Ken's mostly likely still sleep.
Did u ever see if you got on love or host.

I haven't gotten a message yet so ion think I got in.:Y/N

Melody: That's okay there's always next time.
But I need to go wake up Leon we need to get groceries.

Okay chat later?:Y/N

Melody: ofc.

I then close out of messages and then go on Twitter. I'm scrolling through my timeline, Liking fanart, and funny memes.
I then go check my dms.

A lot of them were just nice messages. Some promoting their art. It was a nice way to start the day. But one message in particular got my attention.

GoneDoc: Hello U/N we really loved you on the interview, and would love for you to come on the show today. Are you available.

I don't know how I missed this notification, but somehow I did. I check to see the time it was sent. 7:34am. I was still asleep at that time. So that's probably why. I quickly get out of my thoughts and write a reply.

Yes I'm free, thank you so much.
I so excited to go on today.:Y/N

GoneDoc: Okay sweet. We need you ready by 3:30pm. So we can do Mic checks and all other sorts of things.
Oh and also don't announce your going to be on.
I announce contestants one by one on my Pre show.

Okay my lips are sealed.
But can I come on the Pre show.:Y/N

GoneDoc: Yes absolutely.
It starts a little after 12:00pm you can come then or anytime after that.
I'll send to the link when it's time.

Okay great, I'll be there.
Again thank you so much I'm really excited for today.:Y/N

GoneDoc: No problem.

I couldn't believe it. I going on love or host. This is something I've wanted to do for so long. This is a literal dream come true. I quickly paused my Netflix and got up off the couch to go put my dishes in the sink. I then texted the group chat.



Melody: What??

Ken: Whats up?

Melody: look who's finally awake.

Ken: plsss I'm about to go back to sleep right now.

Melody: you're always sleeping.

Ken: that's not important.
Y/N what did you have to say.

I almost forgot to respond I was so too excited.


I told u, u would get on.


I don't know about winning but I know im getting far.:Y/N

Ken: Omg I'm so happy for you.

I'm gonna be on the Pre show too, if y'all wanna see that too.:Y/N

Melody: Will be watching when I get back home.

Ken:What time is it gonna be.

It's starts at 12.:Y/N

Melody: Oh I'll definitely be home by then.

Okay I need to prepare.
Talk later, I'll send the link when's it's live.:Y/N

Ken: Okay don't forget to dress nice.
You have a mans on the line.

Melody: Okay I'll text you when I get home.

Lmaoo talk soon.:Y/N

I walk into my office and started to make my background look less bland. But at the same time make it subtle. As I'm decorating I'm also thinking in my head. This is going to be so insane. What if I actually win, there's no way I'll win. I wonder how far I'll get though.

-time skip-

It's now 12:46pm. I'm now on the Pre show sitting casually talking to everyone. I'm wearing (whatever you choose) and styled my hair (In whatever style). Let's just say I was looking real good.

The pre Show went on he announced two people. One being ninzkabinz. The other being Makorish. I never heard of Makorish he must be from an interview. But ninzkabinz I love her. I seen her on love or host before she's really funny. I can already tell this is going to tuff competition.

"Okay we hit 40 subs today. Let's reveal another cast member", Doc says."The next contestant on love or host. Featuring Dream is... U/N." I wave to the camera then start laughing. Everyone is cheering. "Yes darling, I knew you were going on once I seen your outfit", Caprice says. I just continue laughing.

The Pre show went on after that. They announced the full cast.
@ ninzkabinz
@ Makorish
@ U/N
@ CapriceMcBean
@ Jamesmarsh
@ JustaMinx
@ AdrianahLee
@ susu_jpg
@ ofeliabear
@ Qwuacc

This was a stacked cast. I knew mostly everyone on here and they were all such amazing women and men. The time was now 3:25pm which means it was time for me to go and join the love or host call. "Hey Doc I think it's time for me to go and join the other call, imma head out".  "Okay everyone go follow his, thank you so much for being here and good luck on the show today", Doc says.
"Thanks you so much bye guys", I waved as everyone else start saying bye as well.

I leave the call the go into my dm's and click the zoom link. I take a deep breath before join and I then hit the join button. There I was in the love or host waiting room. Next thing I know I'm joining the zoom call. I then Seen all of the beautiful men and women around me and I started to feel even more confident.

I then go back into my dm's and join the discord. I then join the vc and say hello. All the other people also say hello and we started chatting for a while. They were all so sweet and nice I knew that this was going to be the best time I ever had streaming.

I looked to see I got a dm from Austin

AustinOnTwitter: Hey U/N I need to know do you pick love or host, Before we begin the show.

I thought about it for a minute. What should I pick. I mean if I pick host I could get so many laughs and I could be known for that. But then that'll be bad if I won, and the backlash form that will be horrible. But I could also pick love and actually try and get to know Dream and become his friend, and if I win I at least get a date with Dream. This sounds fun, but I also a really big decision. I then go to type my answer.


Love or host (dream x masculine!reader)Where stories live. Discover now