moms plan

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Mom grabs her phone and calls her friend she talks to all the time about all kinds of stuff, " hey Lora do you have time to talk? ya good meet for coffee in say the next few minutes, yes i know is sudden and i know you have lucas to take care of but i need to talk to you about something to deal with jake and i think you can help, ya sure bring lucas over here they can play and we can talk"

the doorbell rings and mom goes and gets the door and lets in her friend and her son lucas, than yells " Jake lucas is here come down and say hello" so i close the youtube video i was watching about someone reviewing the pampers cruisers diaper, and come down stairs and say hi to lucas and his mom and say to lucas you want to go play games in my room? he responds sure ill race you as we both take off running up the stairs to my room.

mom makes coffee for her and lora and they sit down and talk about some stuff, than lora says "ok so what do you need my help with for jake?" mom sips her coffee trying to word what the wants to say in the best way,I don't know how to say this or what to think about it but yesterday jake had his friend carson over and i noticed when jake bent over i saw he had a boys pullup on, i did not think of it at the time thinking they were doing some truth or dare thing." and lora nodded and said " ya all this sounds normal what's the problem?" well idk if it is a problem but after his friend left jake was still wearing the pullup and he never took it off and he mite still be wearing it or have it stashed somewhere, and i have herd him close the computer fast when i get near his room is there something to this or am i overthinking this?"

Lora takes a sip of her coffee and thinks than says " i don't know it could just be normal boy stuff, or it could be like what we dealt with lucas about either way i think its harmless" mom says " you dealt with something with lucas?" Lora nodded and said "ya he was sneaking and wearing diapers, pullups, goodnights anything he could get but hiding it from us because he thought we would not accept it and send him to a therapist or ground him because of it."  mom looks shocked so what did you do about it? "well i did my research and thought about it from his side and a moms side and than sat him down and talked to him about it, after the talk we came up with a plan that as long as his grades did not slip and he did not cause problems at school that he can wear and use them as much as he wanted and i would support him and accept him and buy him the diapers or pullups he wanted." 

Mom looked a little shocked so your saying lucas is wearing a diaper or pullup right now? and your ok with it? Lora nodded and yelled " Lucas come here for a second alone i need to ask you something" a few seconds later you hear upstairs " ok mom coming" and lucas shows up next to his mom n says ya mom what is it? and she says " i need to check your diaper" and pulls his shorts down  to show hes wearing a huggies size 5 diaper, she checks his diaper than pulls his shorts back up and says you still good for a little bit dont worry jakes mom knows about it and wont say anything to jake about it, but can u tell jakes mom what we talked about? lucas nods and says " i wanted to wear and use baby stuff because it helps me and i like feeling little and cared for, and as long as i keep my grades up and behave mom will buy me what i need and help me. lora kisses lucas cheek and says thats right baby ok thank you, you can go back to playing with jake now.  after that mom and lora keep talking about it and what she should do with jake.

before they leave lora said do your research and think what do u want  for him to be happy or to be what society wants him to be? your his mom do what you think is best for him. Lora yells to lucas " its time to go" both lucas and jake come downstairs talking and lucas says " mom can me and jake have a sleep over soon?" lora says  sure i will talk with jakes mom and we will set it up soon ok, they both leave and and mom goes and cleans up stilling thinking about everything when she looks up she sees jake bending over and picking up some stuff to help her and she sees the same blue sticking out and says to her self " hes still wearing that pullup" 

than goes back to thinking about stuff and sits on the couch and starts looking up stuff and is deep in thought and her questions and does not notice jake come down stairs and say mom what's for dinner? without looking up or really pulling herself out of her own thoughts she says " i don't know kiddo you just had lunch and hour ago" jake looks at his mom like she's crazy and says " mom its almost 6pm" this pulls her out of her thoughts and looks at her watch OHH it is was i really that deep into all this thinking that i lost track of time, jake says " mom you ok?" mom says " ya im sweetie just got alot on my mind and lost track of time so ya um dinner how about we go out to eat, go get your shoes on and i get ready." jake smiles and goes and get his shoes on and watches him and flash of her seeing him dressed in just a diaper and shirt she shakes her head and says to her self hmm i dont know maybe i talk to him about it and see where it goes.

they get in the car buckle in and start driving and she's thinking and than hears jake " mom you sure your ok?" she smiles and says yes i am but can we talk about something, jakes heart felt like it was going to drop to the ground and say "oh ok am i in trouble did i do something wrong?" mom pulls over and turns to him and says " omg sweetie noo you did nothing wrong or in trouble" jake looks relieved and says oh ok good than what do you want to talk bout? mom look at him and says "i saw you had and still have a huggies pullup on, and i just wanted to have a open heart to heart talk about it and see if i can help or do anything?" jakes heart drops and he goes almost white his mind flooded with worry and warning signs screaming " AHHH she knows AHH" a few mins go by and jakes says " oh you noticed im sorry" "why are you sorry sweetie im not mad im just wanting to understand why?" "it started with a dare from carson to put it on, so i did and than after he left i keept it on because it kinda felt good and i felt good in them, i know it sounds crazy and you probly want to talk to me to see someone so i stop being a freak" his mom turns to him and says " look at me jake, look at me, i dont think your a freak i would never think that and im not going to send you to a someone to fix you. you wearing them because you like them." jake nods looking like hes about to burst into tears " i i i can take it off and not do it anymore if u want please dont be mad" she hugs him and than comes to the realization fuck what society thinks he should be at this age and how he should dress and act, i want my boy to be happy and grow the way HE wants to. after a few mins she says to jake " sweetie im not mad if you want to keep wearing them you can i wont think less of you ever i will be proud of you no matter what. I just want you to be happy, healthy, and safe." jake relaxes a little and calms down a few more minutes more she lets go and starts driving again and notices theres still a little bit of tension in the air and makes a joke " but if you do want to wear pullups or even diapers all i ask is dont wear the same one for to many days in a row  and laughs" jake laughs back and says " ok mom thanks"    

at dinner they talked about his birthday, and other stuff and she looks over and sees a mom putting her son in a highchair and pulling out a bib putting it on him and thinks i miss thoes days when you boy needed you for everything. than hears jake say something and says " what jake?" jakes says " im going to the bathroom ok?" she nods and jake goes to the bathroom and as he is walking to it he sees an area for babies and toddler to get their diapers changed and sees a boy getting changed and kinda slowly walks by watching and thinking he looks like hes 4 or 5 and his mom is diapering him and making him the center of attention i wonder what that diaper feels like? the rest of the night is more of the same them thinking of stuff, and talking even when they get home they watch tv with each other for a bit but is still thinking of stuff than its time for jakes bedtime and she goes in and says jake sweetie and jakes comes out from behind his closet door with his pullups showing and pj pants in his hand she only gets a quick view before he realizes it and darts behind the door again but that little glimpse and her heart kinda melts again and says aawww to herself. she goes up to him and says its ok jake im not mad remember and get a better look at the pullup he has on  and sees that the wetness indicator is has fadded a little bit than helps him get dressed into his pjs and into bed tucks him in and says " good night jake love you" jake says " love you to mommy night" 

later that night she thinks about it more and says i have an idea tomarrow when hes at his a birthday party for one of his friends i will go and get him a new pack of pullups so he does not have to stay in just that one, and set up a plan for his birthday a plan to let him choose, be a normal 7 year old and get him that *i cant believe im saying this look * dirt bike he wants, or become my little baby boy again and wear and use diapers and baby/ toddler stuff again and let me take care of everything and let him just have fun. mom works on a checklist for both sides and when done looks at it and  smiles it be fun and good for us both.  

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