Chapter 42

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"You must be Marie," a woman smiled as Marie entered the store.

"I am," Marie nodded removing her sunglasses.

"Gabe called me and said you would like one of my dresses, but he couldn't tell me any thing else about it," The lady smiled as Marie followed her back to her office.

"Yes, I would like one of you dresses for my wedding dress please," Marie nodded while looking at all the dresses in amazement that they passed. "These are so beautiful."

"Thank you," she smiled. "I have to admit I was very shocked when I heard the Blackbourne Toma team had finally found a bird for them." Marie blushed and smiled softly. "Now, which dress would you like?"

Marie pulled out the picture she printed off and showed it to her, "This one please, it's absolutely breathtaking. When I saw it I just knew it was the one for me."

"Oh yes, this was one of my favorite to make honestly," She smiled softly. "I actually have it here in the back, believe it or not."

"Really?" Marie asked shocked and the lady nodded.

"Why don't I go pull it and see if we have to make any adjustments," she said and left the room. She came back a few minutes later with the dress. Marie gasped, it was even more beautiful in person. "There's the changing room, I'll come check on you in a few minutes."

"Thank you," Marie whispered and headed to the room. She slipped it on and even though it was slightly too big, it felt absolutely perfect.

The lady knocked and came in. She smiled, "It's perfect for you. Now let me grab my pins and notebook so I can make the adjustments. Gabe said it was in a couple of weeks, which should be no problem. I will need you to come back at least two more times just to make sure we get all the tweaks made."

"That's no problem," Marie nodded. "I do have a couple of requests if that's not too much."

"For you? No problem at all, what would you like?" she asked and Marie told her what she would like. "Oh that will be perfect," The lady nodded. "I can definitely have that done for you."

"Thank you so much," Marie said as a few tears slipped free. "I feel so beautiful in this, you are so amazingly talented."
"Thank you," The lady said smiling as she helped Marie slip out of the dress. "This will be amazing. They are one lucky team to have you."
"I am the lucky you to have them," Marie smiled. "How much will it be?"

"Oh, Blackbourne is paying for it," she smiled and Marie gasped. "Oh don't worry Dear, he knows nothing, he just said whatever it costs he will cover. He just wants the dress to be exactly what you wish for, that's all."

"Oh those men," Marie smiled and hugged the lady. "Thank you again, I'll see you in a few days."

Marie got in her car and pulled out her cell phone. "Hello Darling," Owen said once he picked up.

"You shouldn't have Owen," Marie shook her head and wiped a tear.

"Consider it one of your wedding gifts," Owen said as he filled out some paperwork. "Are you done?"

"No," she shook her head, "I have to head over to the jewelry shop to discuss something but then I should be done for the day."

"Okay, just let me know when you are done and if I am done we can see about meeting up to eat," Owen said as he began typing away on the phone.

"Okay, hopefully it wont take too long," Marie nodded. "I'll let you go since you sound busy."

They hung up and Marie drove out of town to the jewelry shop Victor always took her to. She walked in and waved at the jeweler. "Why soon to be Mrs. Blackbourne, what can I do for you?" She asked hanging up the phone.

"Hi," Marie smiled. "I actually wanted to talk to you about an idea I had if you aren't too busy."

"Never for my favorite customers," She smiled. "Now what would you like?"

Marie pulled out a picture and began talking to her. They talked for about an hour and then the lady smiled, "This sounds absolutely and I actually have plenty of those gems in stock to create what you would like. I can definitely have those done in time for you."

"Thank you so much, how much will it be?" Marie asked and the lady chuckled.

"Actually that was Victor on the phone when you walked in and he said he will cover whatever you want as an early wedding gift," the lady smiled and Marie rolled her eyes.

"I swear those men," She laughed. "Ok, well thank you and please don't say anything."

"Of course not, I can't wait to see their reactions on the day, you know I will definitely be there," she smiled and winked.

"You better be," Marie chuckled. "Thank you again, I'll see you in a few days to see the progress even though I know it will be more than I can even imagine."

Marie walked out to her car and pulled out her cell phone. "Well hello my Princess," Victor smiled as he picked up the phone.

"You are too good to me My Prince," Marie sighed shaking her head.

"You are too good for me," Victor smiled as he played on his piano. "Did you get everything taken care of?" He asked softly.

"Yep, I was actually just about to text Owen to let him know I was done in case he could meet up for a bite to eat," Marie said softly.
"Good to hear, well go text him and I'll get back to practice. I'll see you when I get home," Victor said sighing softly.

"Okay, bye My Prince and thank you again," She said hanging up. She sent a quick text to Owen then headed to where he said to meet him at.

She walked into the café and smiled when she saw him at the table outside. "Hello Darling," Owen said kissing her cheek before pulling the chair out for her.

"Hi My Owen," She smiled softly then held his hand once he was sitting. "How was work?"

"Boring," Owen admitted. "Did you get everything taken care of that you needed?"

"Yep," she said popping the p. "And I even got some things that I wasn't sure was possible taken care of," She admitted excitedly. "I can't wait to see all of your faces."
Owen gave her that millimeter smiled and squeezed her hand, "We can't wait, just a couple more weeks," he said and she beamed.

"It still doesn't feel real at times," She admitted after Owen ordered for the both of them.

"I know but it is," He said as he placed the straw in her drink for her. "Now lets eat."

"Yes Sir," She smiled softly taking the fork from him and started eating.

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