Chapter 29

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It had been a month and she was well on the road to recovery. She still got tired easily and her moods were still touchy, but she was sleeping better as long as two of the stayed with her during the night. Both teams were not taking jobs at the moment and stayed with her at all times, for everyone's sake of mind.

"Time for your medicine Baby," North said as he brought her a bottle of Watermelon Propel water and her pills. She set her paintbrush down and glared at the medicine. "Come on Baby, you know you have to take them. Gabe even found the watermelon flavored water you like so much."

"I don't want them," she pouted.

"I know Baby, but you have to take them. You are almost done with them," North said.

"Can't I just be done already?" She asked pouting even more. "Please North Star?"

North groaned, "Stop Baby."

"What's going on Darling?" Owen asked coming into the art studio.

"She doesn't want to take her medicine," North explained as she looked at Owen and pouted.

"I'm tired of taking medicine Owen," she glared at the offending pills. "They taste nasty and I feel all better. Can't I be done already Owen?"

"No Darling, you have to finish all the medicine," Owen shook his head and she glared at him.

"No, I'm done," She crossed her arms and turned away from them.

"Be a good girl and take your medicine Marie," Owen said sternly and she shook her head.

"No," she said with determination.

"Marie, take your medicine," Owen said with that icy steel tone that usually makes everyone tense up and she shook her head.

"NO!" She yelled.

"What is going on?" Sean asked as the rest of the group came in.

"Baby is refusing to take her medicine," North explained.

"I'm done Sean," She refused to look at any of them.

"But you still have two weeks left Pookie," Sean sighed. "I really need you to take the rest of it."

"I don't want to," she shook her head.

"I know you don't want to," Sean said coming over to her, taking her hands in his and pulled her into his lap in the window seat, "but I really need you to keep taking them. If you don't finish the full amount, it can increase the risk of the infections coming back and you getting sick again." He saw North put the pill bottles down and everyone leave the room to try so Sean could try and get her to understand.

"But I'm tired of taking them Sean and they are nasty," She pouted, "Can I please be done with them?"

Sean groaned, "I wish you could Pookie but I don't want to run the risk of you getting sick again and having to go back to the hospital."

"I don't want to go to the hospital," She said as tears started to form.

"I don't want you to either," Sean sighed, "Can you please take the rest of your medicine like a good girl for us?"

"Owen yelled at me," she said as a few tears leaked free.

"I'm sorry he yelled at you Pookie but you weren't being a good girl for him or North," Sean explained.

"He called me Marie not Darling," She burst into tears and Sean rubbed her back to console her.
"That upset you more then him yelling at you, didn't it?" he asked and she nodded into his neck.

"He doesn't love me anymore," she hiccupped.

"Oh Pookie, that's not true," he said as he rocked her back and forth. "He was just trying to make you see how serious it was to take your medicine and you weren't listening to him. He still loves you, just like North does even when you don't listen to him."

"But North still calls me Baby when I don't listen, Owen didn't," She burst into tears again. "He doesn't want me as his darling anymore."

"Oh Pookie, that just isn't true," Sean sighed as he kept rubbing her back. "He's hurt that you won't be his good girl and listen to him when he's just trying to take care of you but he still loves you and you are still his darling. You will always be his darling, even when you hurt him by not trusting him and not being his good girl. They may both be hurt right now but they still love you. It's harder for North to call you Marie instead of Baby but it's easier for Owen to slip into first names when it comes to a serious situation like taking your medicine Pookie, you know how formal Owen is and this is a serious situation so it's just easier for him to call you by your first name when you don't listen to him. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She sat up and looked at him shocked, "I don't want to hurt them," she burst into tears again.

"Then can you be a good girl and finish all your medicine without complaining please?" Sean asked once she calmed down.

She pouted but nodded "It's still nasty," she whispered as she took her medicine and opened her mouth so he could see it was gone.

"I know but that just means it's working," Sean kissed her forehead. "If it tastes good then it doesn't work properly." She cuddled into him, "Do you want to go cuddle for bit? Will that make you feel better?" She nodded and he smiled softly then picked her up. He carried her into her room and got into bed with her. Just as she drifted off to sleep he kissed her forehead and whispered, "Owen still loves you deeply Pookie, I promise." She sighed softly and with a soft smile on her lips she drifted off to sleep.

One he was sure she was asleep he slipped out of the bed and went downstairs to the media room where everyone was. "How is she?" North asked looking up from the video game he was playing.

"She's okay now, I got her to take her medicine, but she has it in her head that you don't love her anymore Owen," he said turning to look at the man that hasn't even fixed his crooked tie yet.

"I know I heard," he said not looking up from the laptop where the cameras were on the screen.

"Then you know I explained it to her that you still do and always will," Sean sighed.

"I just don't know how to fix it," Owen whispered.

"Just apologize and show her you still do," Axel said softly. "She needs reassurance not words."

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