Chapter 13

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It has been a few days and while she did forgive Axel she still was reluctant to talk to him or the team. They were coming over today since the mystery man sent her a picture he took of her during the attack and mentioned how he couldnt wait to refresh her memory of him when she least expected it.

"Superman?" She called out from the art room when she put her paintbrush down in the cleaner.

"Yes Aggele Mou?" he asked coming into the room while typing on his phone.

"Can we go to the store so I can get some stuff to bake please?" she asked and he smiled at the paint on her face and hands.

"Sorry Aggele Mou I just got called into an assignment, they need someone who speaks Greek and North is away also," he explained picking her up and carrying her into the kitchen. He set her down on the counter and started to gently wipe the paint away. They heard the front door open but ignored it. "I can take you when I get back if you want."

"What about the others? Can some of them take me? I want to make something for dessert tonight" she said while barely kicking her legs.

"Its just me here Aggele Mou, everyone is out on assignments," Silas said wiping the last of the paint off her hands.

"Some of us can take her," Axel said entering the kitchen with his team behind him.

She tensed and Silas smiled at her reassuringly, "Let me go get you some paper and pen and you can make a list first and then see what we have and what we need, okay?" she nodded and watching him walk off.

"Superman?" She called out while looking at the door.

"Im just in the study Aggele Mou," he called back, "Do you know what you want to make?"

"Some cookies and some pies for North Star and Dr. Sean," She called back and waited a few more minutes. She frowned when he was taking longer than usual. "Superman?" she called out again and when he didnt answer her breathing started to shallow and become shorter. "Superman?"

"Sorry Aggele Mou, I couldnt find where Mr. B put his pens," Silas said coming into the kitchen. "You okay?" he asked and she burst into tears. "Im sorry Aggele Mou."

"You didnt answer me," She sobbed. "I thought-"

"Im sorry Aggele Mou," He held her, "I thought you heard me walking down the hall, calm down, Im right here."

"You need to talk to her even when you leave a room?" Marc asked and he nodded.

"What about assignments?" Brandon asked confused.

"Right now we dont take no contact jobs and when we are on a job we text when we have free time and we always text right before we leave to head home and how long it should take to get home and if there is a delay we let her know," Silas said rubbing her back. "Aggele Mou, Im really sorry but I have to leave for work now."

She nodded and pulled away, "Okay, Superman, Im sorry for worrying."

"Theres no reason to be sorry, Mr. B knows Im leaving and the Toma team is here. They can take you to the store and Mr. B said to get whatever you need for tonight that you have his card still and hes excited to see what you make. They will take good care of you Aggele Mou I promise, okay?" Silas asked while getting her medicine out for her. She nodded and he held out her medicine. "I know you dont like taking these, but Doc said you need to take some since you had a small panic attack."

"You told on me?" she pouted and he chuckled.

"I didnt tell, I was letting the others know that they need to remember to let you know when they are walking back so you didnt worry like you did with me," he explained holding out her medicine.

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