Julie ambled across the extravagant foyer. She spotted Luke leaning on the railing under the crystal dome, studying the ornate clock built into the wall. As the sound of her heels clicking on the tile advanced, Luke turned with a grin.

"So, want to go to a real party?"


If you thought the third class general room seemed alive before, just wait till you see it at night. The band was playing an array of instruments including a fiddle, an accordion, and a tambourine. Their music was so loud it could burst your eardrums, but the hundreds of voices talking over each other were even louder.

In the middle of the room, a dance floor had been set up. There, Luke was dancing in circles with Cora standing on his feet, laughing and trying to teach her the steps. Julie watched them with a smile as Alex handed her a pint of beer. She chugged it quickly and wiped her mouth before approaching the dance floor.

Luke stopped dancing and grinned at her. She leaned down and smiled at the tiny girl. "Hey, do you mind if I step in?"

Cora shook her head and let go of Luke's hands. As she sauntered off, he called after her, "You're still my best girl, Cora!"

Julie laughed as Luke grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against him. Their faces turned red as his other hand slid down to the small of her back.

They stared into each other's eyes, the rest of the room fading away as they entered a universe of their own.

"I don't know the steps," Julie stuttered, her hand trembling in Luke's. He squeezed it tightly and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't think. Just follow my moves."

The two began to move in awkward steps, focusing on their feet and not on each other. Julie stopped suddenly and pulled away.


She leaned down and pulled off her heels, chucking them over to Alex, who shockingly caught them. Julie laughed as she grabbed Luke and pulled him back onto the dance floor. They began moving faster to keep up with the music, becoming more comfortable in each other's arms.

Song after song played and the two danced and danced to their heart's content. Sweat beamed on their foreheads and their eyes twinkled as a crowd formed around them, clapping and watching their feet move at the speed of light.

They finally slowed down, breathing heavily as they stepped off to the side and sat down beside Reggie and Helga. Luke pushed the hair from his forehead and turned towards Reggie with a grin. "How're you two doing?"

Reggie looked at Helga with a smile before turning back towards Luke. "I don't know what she's saying, she doesn't know what I'm saying. It works out perfectly!"

Alex walked over and set down beers for everyone, plopping down in a seat between Reggie and Luke. Julie grabbed hers and gulped it down in one sip, earning shocked stares from the others around the table.

"What?" She exclaimed. "Didn't think a first class girl could drink?"

They all laughed as Julie grinned. Alex stood up to go out on the dance floor when a big man stumbled into him, causing him to spill his beer all over Julie's dress. Alex turned and scowled at the man, throwing his arm up in anger.

"You stupid bastard!" He fumed.

The other man looked ready to fight, and so did Alex to be honest. But before the situation could escalate, Luke rested his feet on the table and exclaimed, "Boys, boys! Did I ever tell you the one about the big, cocky men who got shown up by a group of women all the way in the middle of Paris? It was a sight, for sure."

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