"Wait," Marco interrupted, addressing Hekapoo, "didn't you tell me once that you could stop dimensional travel altogether?"

"Yes," Hekapoo replied, "but it would kill any beings traveling through portals at the time."

"Ah. Can you make it so only you can create new portals?"

"Oh, yeah, forgot I could do that. That's why you love me so much, I make you look good." Hekapoo snapped her fingers. "Done."

Sir Daryl continued, "After the attack on the portals commences, King River, Lord Rhombulus, and I ..."

Sir Daryl laid out the rest of the battle plan.

— OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO —

Marco and Janna parted from their bear hug in their staging area. "This is it," Janna said to Marco. Both were armored, and they were nervously awaiting the "go" signal to begin their attack. Hekapoo would create rifts for Marco, Janna and Moon to portal to their targets, then portal herself to her own target.

"This is it," Marco agreed.

Moon placed a hand on each teen's shoulder. "You two be safe," she implored them.

"We three will," Hekapoo retorted.

A red flare flew into the sky, exploding in a shower of red sparks.

Hekapoo cut open a portal. Without a word, Moon burst into her Butterfly Monster form then flew into the rift, Hekapoo closing it behind her.

"You're certain this will work when we're so far apart?" Janna asked Marco.

"I never said that," Marco replied.

Marco handed the wond to Janna. As soon as the wond had transformed into its Janna-Cast, the two teens fist bumped each other. "Wonder Twin Powers Activate!"

Hekapoo separated her dimensional scissors, then used each half to slice open a dimensional portal. Janna dove into her designated portal, crying, "To infinity; and beyond!" followed several moments later by Marco flying into his. Once they were through, Hekapoo closed their portals, then, twirling the two halves of her dimensional scissors, tore open her own portal. She jumped through to begin her attack.

— OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO —

Marco flew out of his portal, immediately pulling up and hovering. It was the first time he had used his Butterfly Monster form in the nearly two months since the last battle, and something was off.

He caught sight of a hand in his peripheral vision. Examining it, he realized he had long, black, claws, like Janna in her Pink Nightmare form. Upon realizing what had happened, he quickly ran his tongue over his teeth; while his fangs had not grown to the size of Janna's, they had grown enough that he could not keep them completely covered.

As he flew to the attack, he fervently hoped that in the heat of battle nobody would notice.

— OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO — OoOoO —

Janna flew out of her portal, very nearly flying into the large rift being used to convey this wing of Mewmonsters to their staging area. "Shit!" Janna yelled, banking to avoid the portal, barely missing it. Bloody Hekapoo, Janna thought. Then another problem occurred to her.

Janna touched an earbud. "Uh, guys," she said, "slight problem here. I have no idea how to close these things."

Hekapoo's annoyed voice came over the radio. "Jeebus! You couldn't have told us that earlier? Use your scissors, meatbag!"

Star and Marco vs Evil Book 1Where stories live. Discover now