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Today was supposed to be the day: Beach Day. Star had wanted to include all their friends from Earth, but it didn't work out.

Jackie was expected to be back from studying a broad by this time, but her return to Echo Creek was delayed.

Nobody had seen or heard from Alfonzo and Ferguson since the start of the prior school year. Rumor had it that they had eloped together, but Marco didn't believe it; so far as Marco knew, Alfonzo was still married to the Pixie Empress. He wondered if she had anything to do with their disappearance.

Star discovered she had no direct contact information for StarFan13; she had always just shown up on her own, whether invited or not.

And Janna ... was Janna.

"Tell me again why Janna isn't coming," Marco said to Star, as they readied to go to the beach anyway.

"She said she couldn't be in the sun because it would turn her to ash," Star replied.

Marco rolled his eyes.

"Smile!" Star said, snapping a photo with Rafael's instant camera. She set the camera down on the entryway table, next to their phones. When the photo developed, she looked at it approvingly and said, "That's a keeper." She set the photo down next to the camera.

"So, Star, how are you holding up?"

"Great. I thought Beach Day would be a fun day with all our friends, but it can still be Beach Day with just the two of us. Going with my bestie is the bestest. Hugs!"

The two shared a quick hug. They picked up their beach bags and other belongings, heading out the door. They both failed to notice several items left behind on the entryway table.

They walked together for several blocks, Star brimming with excitement. The two talked about the last couple days getting to know Mariposa, discussed the latest gossip about Love Sentence, and laughed at each other's jokes. By the time they arrived at the bus stop, Star was literally bouncing with giddiness.

I don't know whether to be happy for her, Marco thought, or worried she's setting herself up for a huge disappointment. He loved seeing Star this way, so he decided to keep quiet and hope for the best.

The bus arrived and they boarded. "On the way to the best day of our lives," Star said as the bus began moving.

— Oo1oO — Oo1oO — Oo1oO — Oo1oO — Oo1oO —

A little while later, the bus stopped at a corner, dumping Star and Marco onto the sidewalk. As the door closed, the driver and many of the passengers made rude gestures at the pair.

"If you don't want people to work on their fitness," Star yelled as the bus pulled away, "why do you have parallel bars?"

"Star, those aren't parallel bars, they're to hold on to when you're standing."

"Oh. Easy mistake."

"So, what do we do now? We don't have any money. We really have to talk about that betting thing ... 650 dollars is a lot to lose in a bet with a stranger on a bus, especially when it's not your money to begin with."

"Meh." Star pulled her wond out of her beach bag. "Summoning Cloudy Charm!"

Cloudy appeared. "Yaaaaah!" he screamed. "Hey, Star."

"To the beach, Cloudy!" Star commanded.

"Sure thing. Say, which one you broke your leg?"

Star and Marco looked at each other in confusion. "What?" Star asked. "Neither of us."

Star and Marco vs Evil Book 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum