chapter 1 - The Gold

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Opening Montage

Scene One

Morning - The Pogue Nest - Outside

Kaylee, JJ, Kie and Pope were standing next to the Pogue Nest, at a spot on the tree that was clear for anyone to see if they looked at it.

Pope used an ax to cut off some of the bark of the tree, into the shape of a heart.

Kaylee used a blow torch and a fire iron to burn the numbers/words into the tree:


Isa Routledge

Kaylee backed away, handing the blow torch and fire iron to JJ.

JJ used the blow torch and fire iron to burn the numbers/words underneath Isa's memorial:


John B Routledge

Underneath both names, JJ burned: P4L

Kie and Pope looked at Isa and John B's names with P4L under their names within the heart on the tree with utter sadness.

Kaylee looked down, completely numb and distant, seeming to cut herself off from grieving and feeling so that she could attempt to protect herself, but not knowing that it would make things worse for her eventually when she finally felt it all.

JJ raised his flask in the air, tears in his eyes. "To Isa and John B."

Kie nodded, also looking furious at losing four of their friends, when she herself was more than friends with two of them, and she, Isa and Lia had just started to figure things out. "And to Lia and Sarah."

Kaylee, JJ, Kie and Pope looked at each other sadly.

JJ and Pope took a drink.

(Song:) Left With A Gun - Skinshape

Kaylee put a box at the bottom of the tree for further remembrance, and Kie placed pictures of Isa, John B, Lia and Sarah into the box.

John B: (voice over) "Here's a fun fact. You ready? Here we go."

Kaylee added some of Isa's bracelets to the box, as JJ added one of John B's infamous bandanas. Kie and Pope added flowers for both Isa and John B, and Lia and Sarah. 

John B: (voice over) "Everyone you know... will die."


Flashback - 1.08 The Runway

Day - Island

On the island that Big John made it, he was seen briefly unconscious underneath his branch structure.

Isa: (voice over) "And by everyone..."


Flashback - 1.03 The Forbidden Zone

Lia's Dream / Flashback

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