you have a stalker

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Everything first started a few weeks ago and suddenly started feeling like you were being watched but you didn't really understand why you felt this way because nothing different happened recently so you ignored it and didn't tell anyone because you thought you were just being paranoid but you instantly regretted that decision because one night when you were walking home from training sessions that went much later than you thought it was going to so you were currently walking home by yourself not being fully aware of your surroundings due to the exhaustion and soreness from the long training sessions after a few minutes of walking you got the feeling that you were being watched again you started walking a little faster while activating your Byakugan to see if you could see anything out of the ordinary and what you saw made your heart sink into your stomach you saw a man in his late twenties what looked like a large butcher knife in his right hand you seeing this stopped walking not knowing exactly what to do most people in your situation would run but if he didn't know where you lived you wanted to keep him from finding out but all that went out the window when you saw the man running towards you a terrifyingly wide smile on his face upon seeing this you booked it running as fast as your legs could carry you hoping that your father or someone would be home to safe you from your current situation you could hear him sprinting after you yelling your name as he ran after you after a few minutes of running you saw your house in the distance your dad standing outside waiting for you "DAD" you yelled making Narutos head snap up towards you and the man chancing after you he opened his arms and you ran into his arms hugging him tightly "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" Naruto yelled angrily at the man who turned on his heel and started running the other way only to be tackled and beaten by Naruto leaving him unconscious after a few minutes a few police force ninja showed up and took him to prison to be questioned by Sai and a few others during the confusions the man confessed that he's been following you for months and he was planning to kidnap you

For the past 3 weeks you been feeling really uneasy and you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched and for some reason that day it was worse then usual you just tried to let it go and passed it off as exhaustion and fatigue from the long week you've had but as the day went on the feeling became worse and worse still thinking you were tired decided to go to sleep hoping the feeling would go away in the morning after a few hours you woke up to the sound of your window being creaked open you sat there for a few seconds to petrified to move your heart pounding out of your chest as you heard footsteps beside your bed coming closer to your bed you slowly opened your eyes looking to where the footsteps were coming from after a few minutes your eye adjusted to the darkness and your heart sunk into your stomach seeing a man in his late 20's staring right at your chest licking his lips he eventually looked you in the eyes and smiled a terrifying evil smile before putting a finger on his lips telling you to be quiet you started tearing up as he shut the window also making sure no one was out there once he turned back towards you a rush of fear went through you and you kicked him back before running to your parents room screaming bloody murder hearing your screams your parents ran out of there room weapons in hand you ran into your father's arms shaking and sobbing as you told him what had happened "sakura take her to our room" sasuke said as he ran into your room seeing the man trying to leave through your window "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" sasuke yelled grabbing the man by his neck slamming him to the ground beating the crap out of him hearing the confrontation sakura called Sai who quickly rushed to the house finding Sasuke on top of the man who was covered in blood from the beating he received from your father after calming both you and Sasuke down they took the man away and took a statement from you before taking the man away it turns out the man watching you was a escaped pedophile who had done this to multiple other girls your age after that you always locked your window and never ignored you guy feelings

You were home alone that night which didn't really bother you that much because if anything happened to you your godparents Sai and Ino Yamanaka lived just down the street from your house and not to mention your dad would be home in a little bit so you didn't think much of it so you just sat on the living room couch texting to your cousin while also watching some random true crime documentary you found in your computer trying to focus on anything you could to stop yourself from falling asleep when all of a sudden you heard the a loud bang followed by glass shattering from behind you make you shoot up from your spot on the couch and turn to the back door where the sound came from your eyes landing on a man in a oversized black hoodie that only aloud you to the wide smile plastered on his face you stood there for a few seconds before your eyes landed on the large cleaver in his hand "hey little girl" the man said as he slowly started walking up to you in a weird cartoon looking walk his cleaver pointed directly at you "AHHHHH" you screamed before sprinting out of your house and down the dark streets only being illuminated by the dim street lights that barely lit the street your sobs of fear echoed through the streets as the man chased after at you as you ran down the street after a little while of running you saw your Father standing outside your godparents house talking to your godfather Sai Yamanaka "DAD HELP ME" you screamed running into your father's arms as he picked you up glaring at the man chasing after you "who are you and why are you chasing after my daughter" Shikamaru ask seeing the man slowly backing away only being stopped by the shadow possession jutsu Shikamaru casted on him "SHE BELONGS WIH ME SHE WILL BE MY WIFE" the man said as Sai walked over to him putting him in hand cuffs before taking him away it turns out when the man saw you awhile back and was stalking you ever since you hate being home alone now but you manage

Naruto father scenario Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin