your fear/phobia

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Hemophobia fear of blood
Explaintion: after you died you've had fear of seeing your own blood you don't care if it's other people's blood but if it's yours you go into a panic attack

Haphephobia fear of beings touched
Explaintion: it more being aggressively grabbed by people you don't know very well

Fear of being watched
Explaintion: you always think you are being watched and it freaks you the fuck out

Trypopobia fear of holes
Explaintion: it's just falling in deep holes because it was the memories of when you had to glimped out grave

Monophobia fear of being alone
Explaintion: your scared that people will abandon you the way you're mother did

Fear of crowds
Explaintion: you don't know why but you are just scared of crowds and people in general

phonophobia fear of loud noise
Explaintion: you don't know why but it just seems your just scared of loud noise so you don't really like deidara

Fear of dieing and death
Explaintion: you've been scared of dieing ever since you died because you don't want to go threw that again and you don't your family to go threw it either

Fear of being forgotten
Explaintion: because you've been forgotten once

fear of being stabed
Explanation: because of how you died

Necrophobia fear of dead bodies
Explaintion: you lived through the second ninja war and you saw alot of death

Acrophobia fear of heights
Explaintion: you just hate heights you didn't know why

Rock lee:
Thalassophobia fear of deep water
Explaintion: it's just the fear that you don't now what is down there

Claustrophobia fear of small spaces
Explaintion: you just hate being in small spaces well your version of small spaces is even hugs if people hug you sometimes you have a panic attack

Nyctophobia fear of the dark
Explaintion: your mother would tell you all danger comes out in the dark to keep you from running away at night

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