Gone(Chapter 34):: Hidan Fan Fic

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A few hours passed and I heard the door open. I glanced up from my book to see Hidan. He tossed his cloak on the chair then came to bed. He proved himself up on his one arm then lent down and kissed me. The kiss lingered long enough to make me close my book and drop it off the bed. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me.

**** sexual content ****

I felt his hand trail my body to the hem of the shirt. He pulled it up and quickly moved his hand to my womanhood. I felt him smirk into the kiss because I wasn't wearing any panties. He started to rub me making me let out a gasp. He took that opportunity to quickly shove his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues collided as we fiercely made out. I moved my hands down him to his pants. I quickly unbuckled his belt and undid his pants. He pulled away and looked down at me.

"You must have really missed me. Or. You're just horny as all fucking hell." he said quietly, knowing Nova was asleep on the other side of the room.

"Both." I said pulling him back into a heated kiss. He somehow got his pants and boxers off as we made out. I put my hands under his shirt and pulled it up and off, breaking the kiss. He quickly took my shirt off as well. He went back to kissing me but slowly started to make his way down my neck. I let out small moans as he nibbled on my neck to my collar bone. I let out a gasp as I felt his cold hand against my left breast. My let out a moan as he started to play with my nipple. He moved his mouth to my right breast and took the nipple into his mouth, biting it softly

"Ahhh~~" I moaned gripping the bed. I felt him let go of my left breast and lightly trace my body until he cupped my ass. He quickly made his was south and opened my legs. I could feel my heart beating quickly as he slowly started to lick me. I bit my lip trying to keep as quiet as possible. He expertly moved his tongue, getting the right places every time. I started to wiggle around from the pleasure. He lightly started to suck and inserted a finger inside me. I grabbed his head and lightly pressed him into me as he kept going. "Hidan~" I quietly moaned as I started to moved my hips a bit. I was so close to cumming I could feel it coming on then he stopped. I looked down at him pitifully as he made his way back up to my face. I felt his member lightly run across my womanhood making me whine. He just smirked down at me. He loved this. The getting me so close then stopping. He knew it made me more aggressive.
"Hidan." I growled lightly.
"Hmm?" He asked amused knowing damn well what my issue was. "Ohh." he said and started to slowly insert himself. He pushed himself al the way in and slowly pulled out. I whimpered as I looked up at him. He then slowly started to go back in and I just grabbed him, flipped him over so I was on top. I started to grind against him and his hands gripped my hips. I started to lightly bounce on top of him while I gripped his chest.
"Fuck." he moaned as I went faster and harder. I wanted to moan out so bad but I knew I couldn't. I laid down on top of him and moved my ass up and down quickly. Hidan quickly got into my rhythm as we worked together. I let out moan as he smacked my ass harshly. I quickly bit down in his shoulder to prevent myself my moaning too loudly making him let out a moan. "Shit Avory." he said with a raspy voice. I knew he was getting close to his climax. I got back up and started to roughly grind against him. I could feel his grip on my hips strengthen as I went faster. I knew the look on his face. He was about ready to cum when I stopped. He quickly looked up at me and I just smirked down.

"It sucks doesn't it?" I asked with my arms crossed. Before I knew it he was on top of me and I was under him again.

"You forgot I'm much stronger then you." he said with a smirk as he grabbed my hips be started to pull me toward him at an amazing speed. My eyes widened as the pleasure started to quickly build up in the pit of my stomach. I gripped the sheets as I felt my climax. It hit full force making me let out a loud moan,which Hidan quickly covered with his hand. He quickly pulled out and released his seed all over my stomach.

**** End sexual content ****

I laid there panting as he got up and rolled to his side of the bed. I glanced over and saw him pick up his shirt from the ground and he wiped his gunk off me. He tossed the shirt in the ground and pulled the covers over us.


"Night." Hidan said as he pulled Avory into his chest.

"Night." She said as she cuddled closer. He smiled as he looked down at her still flushed face. Cheeks tinted a light pink and her slight quick breathing.

"Love you." Hidan said as he yawned.

"Love you too." She replied as her eyes closed. Hidan smiled to himself as he watched Avory drift off into sleep. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here.


Nova started crying and Hidan groaned.
"Avory I think Novas hungry." He said as he rolled back over. Avory didn't get up and Nova was still crying. "Fuck. Fine I'll get her." Hidan said annoyed as he got out of bed and put on a pair of pants. He walked over and saw Nova awake and red faced. She was probably crying for a while which was odd. Avory usually wakes up with every little peep she makes. He was probably just tired from last night, Hidan though. He picked Nova up and changed her diaper. "I bet you're hungry." Hidan said at the still crying baby. He held her in his one arm and walked over to Avory. "Oi, wake up Avory. Novas hungry." Hidan groaned. "Come on Avory get up." he said and shook her this time. Nothing. He moved her hair out of her face and saw it was much paler then usual and her face markings were faded as well. Hidan felt his heart race as he shook her again. "AVORY GET UP!" He shouted. He put his finger to her neck to feel for a pulse.


She was as cold as ice. Hidan quickly ran out of the room and grabbed Sasori from his room. He quickly drug him to his room. Sasori took one look at Avory and he knew she was gone.

"What happened to her?" Sasori asked as he walked over to her body.

"I don't fucking know I woke up and that's how she was." Hidan said getting more and more hysterical. Nova still crying in his arms. "Fix her Sasori you always fucking fix her when she get like this." Hidan begged.

"Hidan. I can't. She's dead. And she's been for at least a few hours." Sasori said. Hidan put Nova down then quickly grabbed Sasori by the neck and pinned him to the wall.

"No she's not! You just have to fucking fix her! She's not dead!" Hidan shouted as him.

"Just look at her Hidan. There's nothing anyone can do." Sasori said as he felt Hidan grip loosen.

"Get out." Hidan said. "Take Nova with you and GET THE FUCK OUT!!" Hidan yelled. Sasori quickly grabbed the baby and left. He knew Hidan needed time. Lots of it.

Hidan basically crawled to the bed and looked down at her. He slowly got on the bed and sat her lifeless body up. His eyes filled with tears as he pulled her into him.


You guys have NO IDEA what how hard it was for me to figure out what I wanted to do with my story.

There will be one chapter after this then I *think* I'm going to end this story.

Comment and vote please!

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