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AN: I always wanted to make this but never had the idea and time. Welp, I hope you like this.

Ayanokouji POV

After my debacle with the 3rd years my enemies right now are the 1st years however they aren't active compared to the start of the school year as I have students there to suppress them if needed and so far I can say that I can live peacefully until I graduate. Chairman Sakayanagi who re assumed his position has informed me that, that man won't interfere with my life here until I graduate and when I asked why did he decide that and the chairman said that, there were no other things that man mentioned in his message. 

Well I want to spend my remaining days here peacefully but it is getting hindered by one person and by one person I mean is none other than my class' homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei. 

After the 2nd uninhabited island exam, she has been pressuring me to compete in class competitions. Even though she can't  blackmail me anymore ever since I revealed to her during when Professor came here. But she is getting a bit more annoying, is the word I can use to describe her as of right now. She is using Horikita to get me to move and Horikita being a good tool to others, is doing her job at her best I guess.

Right now I'm in my seat waiting for my classmates to leave the classroom, I already told Kei, and the members of the Ayanokouji group to leave before me since I have things to do.

Time moves as my classmates slowly stood up from their seats and head outside the classroom, as I was waiting for my classmates to leave. Chabashira-sensei who is at the front, is pretending to be checking papers.

My classmates all have left, me and Chabashira-sensei are the only ones that are remaining. Chabashira-sensei heads to the doors and peeks outside to see if there are people that might eavesdrop on our conversation, once confirming that there is no one outside of the doors she closes it and starts talking.

"So what did you want to talk about, Ayanokouji?"

Chabashira-sensei spoke as she went back to the front.

"I just want to ask, why do you keep using me? You know that I have no intention to be used."

Chabashira-sensei smirks at my question.

"What do you mean, keep? The both of us know that there is no way for me to use you and that has already ended."

"I see so it was my misunderstanding. then let me ask this question."

Chabashira-sensei doesn't speak, signalling me to continue.

"Why do you keep interfering with my life?"

Chabashira-sensei gives a snort as I finished asking her that question.

"Hm... What do you mean by that, Ayanokouji?"

I sigh at her ridiculous response.

"Stop playing dumb sensei."

"Well let's see. Why do I keep interfering with your life? I believe you know the answer."

"I know the answer, but you do know that there are repercussions when you do that right?"

Chabashira-sensei once again smirks.

"Oh really now, those repercussions could interfere with your quote on quote peaceful life."

It's natural for her to think that I'm still protecting my peaceful life, well that is true but that doesn't mean I won't actually do something to her just because it'll interfere with my peaceful life.

I didn't reply to sensei to which her smile grew bigger, the both of us are silent and the classroom isn't filled with awkwardness rather, it would feel like I'm being cornered.

A few seconds have passed and the both of us were still silent. I then play a recording on the phone that made Chabashira-sensei's face pale.

The sounds coming out of my phone were the conversation I had with Chabashira-sensei where she also blackmailed me.

Looking at Chabashira-sensei's face, it is clearly obvious that she had lost against me. Well she already lost in the beginning.

"You can come in now."

I say that as the door slides open revealing Chairman Sakayanagi and Mashima-sensei.

Chabashira-sensei's face looked like it lost its color when she make eye contact with the Chairman.

"I believe you already know why we're here, Chabashira-sensei."

The Chairman was talking in his usual calm voice but I can feel disappointment in his words. As for Mashima-sensei, I can't tell what emotion is on his face nor can I guess his thoughts.

"Mashima-sensei, please guide Chabashira-sensei to my office."

Mashima-sensei nods the Chairman and him and Chabashira-sensei heads out of the room. Just before Chabashira-sensei's figure leaves the room I make one last eye contact with her. With that eye contact I can immediately tell the despair on her face.

"Thank you for this Chairman."

I say that as I make eye contact with the Chairman.

"No, I should be the one thanking you for this and I should be saying sorry. I'm mostly at fault here."

"It's fine, what would happen to her?"

"I believe you already know. She is getting fired, immediate effect."

Silence envelops the room after the Chairman said that but the room is filled with noise when I ask him a question.

"Did you expect this to happen?"

"No but I would be lying if I said that wasn't worried when I assigned that task to her."

"I see."

"What are your future actions, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"The same as always, live peacefully until graduation."

The Chairman smiled when I said that.

"That's good, I have to go now since I have to talk to a teacher."

I nod at him as he heads outside the room.

Chabashira-sensei is out so one wall down, who would be the other threats? Sakayanagi and Ryūen, our confrontation would only happen when we become third years. As for the first years, I already have people suppressing them, and the White Room Students, I already made a deal with them so that pretty much leaves Horikita to be the only threat remaining. 

She isn't that big of a threat since I can just 'convince' her to not interfere with my life.

As I was in my thoughts my phone rings, I take it out of my phone only to see Kei calling me.

I reply to her call, Kei asked me if I was free tomorrow since there are no classes tomorrow and the before after that, I said yes and then she proceeded to ask me if we can have a date tomorrow to which I also said yes.

After my call with Kei, I prepare my things and head outside of the classroom. I close the door and head back to the dorms to rest for the day.

AN: How was it? I made this because I wanted Chabashira-sensei to suffer...

If there are any mistakes in this, feel free to comment on the parts that have mistakes because I didn't proof read this because I want to sleep already.

As always, thanks for reading this, keep safe and wear your seatbelts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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