Little Ayanokouji Part 6

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Right now the students of Class 3-A are taking a quiz. Minutes have passed since the start of the quiz. Ayanokouji is bored as he isn't doing anything aside from looking around the classroom. He decided to look at the paper that is being answered by the person beside him, Tachibana Akane, his current caretaker.

The quiz was on the subject of the events that happened during World War II, the quiz was a multiple choice type and it contained a lot of questions and so far Tachibana answered half of the questions. 

'World War 2... This should be interesting, let's see how much knowledge does a 3rd year high schooler have regarding the events that happened during the duration of the war.'

He looked at the questions that Tachibana already answered and saw that she answered them correctly then he sees that Tachibana is having a hard time answering the current question she was at. 

The current question that Tachibana is at, asks. 

'What did former Emperor Hirohito Shōwa say when Japan surrendered in World War 2?' 

A. 'The current situation of the war is not to Japan's advantage.'

B. 'The war situation has not developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage.'

C. 'The war situation as of right now isn't an advantage to Japan and its citizens.'

Tachibana was about to pick choice A as her answer but before her pen could make contact with the paper, Ayanokouji placed his index finger on choice B and nodded towards Tachibana.

'Kiyo, taka-kun?'

 After contemplating for a bit, Tachibanana trusted Ayanokouji and picked choice B as her answer for the question.

Tachibana then proceeded to answer the next questions with ease and when Ayanokouji looked at it, Tachibana answered them correctly however she was stuck again at another question and this time the question asks.

'When did the Normandy landings happened?'

A .6, June, 1944

B. 8, July, 1994

C. 10, June, 1944

Once again, Ayanokouji helped Tachibana in this question. He pointed at choice A to which Tachibana used it as her own answer.

Soon, Tachibana finished answering the quiz and passed it to her teacher and after a while every student present in the classroom finished answering the quiz.

'I hope I didn't fail the quiz but I have a bad feeling about this...'

Tachibana thought of this as she looked at her teacher counting the amount of papers that were passed on to her by Tachibana's classmates.

Now it was lunch time, slowly everybody stood up and a lot of the students most notably the girls went to Tachibana's seat and invited her and Ayanokouji to have lunch with them. Tachibana wanted to decline their invitation since a huge crowd would form around her and Ayanokouji in the cafeteria if she and Ayanokouji were to go with them, plus she wanted to know how Ayanokouji answered some of the questions in the quiz they had just now. Tachibana was about to respond to her classmates when someone spoke through the speakers. The voice of the person speaking through the speakers was the Chairman himself.

"Tachibana Akane of Class 3-A, please come to my office as soon as possible and bring Ayanokouji Kiyotaka with you."

'I wonder what he wants?'   

'I wonder why the Chairman called for us? Is it because of what happened earlier?'

Ayanokouji and Tachibana had these thoughts as the Chairman asked for Ayanokouji's  presence along with Tachibana's in his office.

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