Little Ayanokouji Part 5

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AN: For the majority of the one-shots I guess, I will be writing the chapters in my old writing style with a few changes since I prefer to use it for this short series. Anyways, hope you enjoy.


Today was the day after Ayanokouji turned into a child with his memories being reverted back to when he was an 8 year old. Currently he and Tachibana Akane, his current caretaker are heading towards the school for Tachibana's class. The Principal, Mr. Sakayanagi allowed Ayanokouji to be in Class 3-A's classroom while the classes are going on since he thought that Ayanokouji might escape the campus if was left by himself. But the actual reason as to why the Principal allowed it, is because he wanted to see how Ayanokouji will be if he is placed outside of the White Room with unknown people around him.

Tachibana decided to go to school early today since they would attract a lot of attention if they left at her usual time, as Ayanokouji and Tachibana were walking towards the school they were attracting a lot of attention most notably from the female students around them. Tachibana and especially Ayanokouji were being stabbed by the stares of the people around them, Ayanokouji didn't mind it as he found it normal by his White Room experience but it was different for Tachibana even though back then she spoke to a large crowd of students as the Student Council Secretary.

'It really is weird, if I was at the White Room being stared at I wouldn't mind well I wouldn't care about it to be exact but right now, when I'm outside of the White Room, it's different, it's like being the only prey of a large number of predators. I wonder how she is handling all of this, I mean she is blushing so I assume she is embarressed.'

Ayanokouji thought of these as he walked forward and look at Tachibana at the end part of his thoughts.

'I'm getting red.... Oh no, I've already experienced being stared at back when I was still the Student Council Secretary but the atmosphere is different and the reason why I'm being stared is different. Ah... I don't want to go to school anymore but I have to since we will lose Class Points if I don't go. Why are there a lot of people here? Isn't it still early? Anyways, I wonder why the Chairman allowed Kiyotaka-kun to stay at our classroom when classes are going on? I mean he could stay in the staff room or he could take care of Kiyotaka-kun by himself, I mean, the Chairman looks like he's good with children.'

Tachibana had these thoughts as she hung her head down to hide he blushing face.

They soon arrived at Class 3-A's classroom and when they arrived everyone's eyes locked onto Tachibana then to Ayanokouji. A moment of silence passed before the room started to get noisy. 

Tachibana managed to sit on her seat barely with Ayanokouji seating beside her due to her classmates blocking her way. Soon, Tachibana's classmates swarm her seat and were asking her a lot of questions. Tachibana had a hard time replying to the questions since they were asking constantly. But the noise in the classroom was stop when Horikita tapped his fingers on the teacher podium with a little bit of force to get his classmates attention. Seeing Horikita's actions, Tachibana nodded towards him as if to thank him for saving her from their classmates to which the older Horikita just nodded back and started speaking.

"I know a lot of you, no, everyone one of you has questions regarding as to why Tachibana brought a child today. I believe she is going to answer all of those so ask her questions in an orderly manner since the child beside her looks uncomfortable."

Horikita spoke to everyone in the room with his composed voice. The students who were standing up went to their seats. 

As Horikita said the last part he looks at Ayanokouji and the rest of his classmates follow him and look at Ayanokouji who was sitting beside Tachibana.

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