Pete looked at him with teary eyes and Ae could understand his feelings. He squeezed his hands trying to calm him down. "Why Ae? If he already had someone in life, he could have just cancelled this wedding. Why did he just have to toy me around when he wasn't even interested in me? He could have avoided giving me the pain all this time. I am not sad because he love someone else. I never had feelings for him. I am sad because of the way he made me feel every time. He could have just told me that he love someone else. He didn't have to do all these things to make me feel so low. It wasn't my decision to marry him." Pete tried to speak while sniffing as tears started to flow from his eyes staining his cheeks.

Some people might think that it wasn't a big deal but for Pete, it was! Firstly, because it wasn't his decision to marry Ohm but it was his parents. Secondly, Ohm could have easily told him that he loved someone else and just called off the wedding but he chose to hurt Pete every time. What was the worst of all this was, making him feel so low that he started questioning himself. He made Pete feel that he was nothing. All the time Pete had spent with Ohm, he just felt that he was not worthy of being loved and cared for. If Ae hadn't been there all this while, Pete would have broken down by now.

Ae pulled him into a hug and held him close in tight embrace. Pete rested his head on Ae's shoulder letting himself cry out all the pain he felt just because of Ohm, their dates and beach trip that had landed Pete in trouble all time. Even today when Ohm left, Pete would have to face something really worst if Ae wasn't there in time.

"Pete, I can understand how you are feeling. But think it in a positive way. If this whole marriage thing wouldn't have happened, we would not have realized our feelings for each other. I agree that Ohm was wrong to leave you alone all the time and I will not let this pass. I will inform por about everything. But for now, please calm down. You have me and I'll make sure that no one would ever harm you." Ae promised.

Ae wanted to approach Ohm right there and ask him about everything but that wouldn't be a smart move. He clicked Ohm's pic without letting Pete know and then placed his cell phone aside. He then started to rub Pete's back and soon the sniffing sound was reduced and Pete pulled away tidying himself. Ae looked up only to see Ohm exiting the restaurant with the girl.

Ae held himself together trying his best to avoid doing anything stupid. He diverted his attention to Pete making efforts to cheer up the innocent guy. After sometime Pete started to smile and Ae was relieved. They finished their meal and left the place. Pete wanted to go home soon after and he asked Ae to drive him back home.

When they got inside the car, Ae held Pete's hand. "Pete, I am going to speak to Por today and ask him to call off this wedding. I cannot take it anymore. Ohm has crossed his limits and I think it's time that I should put end to this. And I am really sorry for stopping you from telling your parents about Ohm. If I had let you talk to them earlier, things wouldn't have come to this point." Ae's tone was filled with guilt and regret as he spoke.

"Ae, you need not be sorry about it. You only thought about our parents and that was your right decision. And I think whatever you spoke earlier was right. Whatever that happens, happens for good. If this marriage was not fixed, I would have not known about my own feelings for you. It's just that I feel hurt that Ohm didn't tell me everything earlier. It would have saved everyone of all the troubles." Pete spoke.

"Ae, let's go home, I want to talk to por and get over with everything." Pete said. Ae sighed and started the engine. They soon drove out of the parking lot, making their way towards the Pitchaya mansion.

Luckily, Sun and Putch were early home since the meeting they were attending winded up early. Putch decided to return home soon after and Sun agreed to him. So, the two men were now sitting in hall speaking about some work related matter when Ae and Pete arrived.

Ae parked his car and they both got out. Ae held Pete's hand while he spoke, "I'll be there with you all time. I will make sure that you will not have to marry phi." Pete smiled and nodded his head in response.

They both walked inside the house only to find Sun and Putch sitting in the hall. Ae let go off Pete's hand as two pairs of eyes landed on them. Pete was getting nervous thinking how he was going to explain everything to his father. But having Ae besides him, made him feel at ease.

Pete took in a sharp breathe and walked towards his brother and father and Ae followed him. They both greeted Sun and Putch before making themselves comfortable on the vacant sofa chair.

Pete mustered up all his courage and spoke, "Por, I need to talk to you about something important."Putch nodded and gestured him to continue. Pete looked at Sun and then back to his father and then continued to speak, "Por, this thing.... I mean about the marriage..... I-I-I cannot marry Ohm!!" Pete finally spilled the words out and waited for the shouting but nothing happened. There were two warm palms that were holding his face and then rubbing the tears that had started to roll down his cheeks.

Pete looked up only to see Putch holding his face and then wiping the tears that he haven't even noticed when they escaped his eyes. Putch's face was all calm while he looked at his son. He kneeled down in front of Pete and spoke, "Son, you know that you are the youngest in the family. And we all love you the most. Whatever your decision, we would support you. But can you tell me why you want to cancel this wedding?"

Pete looked at his father and then narrated the whole story right from beginning. Putch knew everything but still he wanted to know it from Pete. Because, he wanted to know how Pete would have felt all this time. His heart almost clenched when he came to know about everything that Ohm had done. He cursed himself for having fixed Pete's marriage with someone like Ohm.

"Son, I am sorry. I should have asked you before directly announcing this marriage. I didn't consider your feelings all this while. I was just a stupid father who wanted his son to be taken care of. But I failed to choose the right one for you. But I am proud that my son already chose the one for him." Putch spoke and then diverted his eyes towards Ae.

Pete and Ae were shocked hearing Putch's last word. Putch saw the expression on both their faces and explained, "I know Pete that you love Ae. And frankly speaking, I am more than happy knowing that Ae loves you so much. I always wanted a son-in-law who would protect you and treasure you. And Ae is the right one for you. I'll call Mr. Intouch and talk to him about everything."

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