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 Dumbledore and the triplets were stunned like they had just been hit by the stupefy spell

"what" hermione asked there stunned faces

"your a parsle tough" said the ravenlaw triplet before running off screaming

" a what ??" she asked

"you can talk to snakes" sona the slytherin said "now if you excuse me i need tomeet my boy friend at the cinema to watch moking jay"

"well have fun" then dumbledore dismissedthe matter and turned to hermione to find her staring at nothin and then fall to the ground as they were in diagon alley he desided to levitate her "wengardeium leviosar" he appirated to hogwarts and then flooedto the grangers leaving hermione with madame pomfrey

"oh albus did you get everything?" mrs granger questioned

"well everything except her wand she started to talk parsle tough then she passed out i think its best if we erased her memory of being adopted let her live as hermione granger a muggle born witch until shes 16 " her mother agreed with this

"danger...danger...DANGER GRANGER!!!!!!!!!!!" sienna screamed at her husband

"fine but i dont like the idea of her memory being whiped" danger grudged

back at hogwarts hermione woke in the hospital wing madame pomfrey comes over to change her fluids

"ah hermione your awake how do you feel"

" to be honesst kinda tired" she then realised this was a total stranger

" umm who are you and were am i??"mione asked

"i am madame pomfrey nurse of hogarts and your at hogarts"

"wow omg ah cool " she had a mix of emotions a she examined her surrondings

Voldemort's Daughter Hermione RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now