Nick wrapped an arm around her waist, then nuzzled her neck. "I think you look sexy! If it weren't for us being in danger we could try something new on this bench."

Maxine laughed and smacked him. "You're such a pervert!" She looked around the room and then zipped up her bag. She smiled when she found the locket under the bench. "I thought I lost it."


"Howie gave me this!" She held up the locket and smiled.

"D's such a cornball. Here, let me help you." Nick moved her hair to the side as he put the necklace around her neck. " looks great."

Maxine sighed knowing that the locket held probably the only picture she had left of her family.

Nick took hold of her hand and gave her a head gesture that it was time to go. She nodded back and threw her bag over her shoulder. Then they slowly opened the door, once they knew the coast was clear, quickly they rushed out into the hallway and headed towards the back exit.

"Wait a damn minute are you trying to avoid me?"

Nick and Maxine both looked at each other as they continued to fast pace towards the door that was only a few feet away. Maxine felt her knees might buckle with just the thought of Carlos being behind them.

"You can't get away! I think you have something that belongs to me!" Carlos raised his arm and cocked his gun.

Both Nick and Maxine came to a fast halt as they heard the click of the gun.

"I won this fair and square." Maxine said remembering her mother. She carefully turned around to face Carlos and cringed when she saw the gun pointed directly at them, but was relieved to see him alone. "But you can take this fucking check and shove it. After that you leave us alone."


Suddenly out of the nearby door with a high ninja kick someone fell on top of Carlos and the gun skidded through the hallway.

"Run!" AJ yelled as he picked himself up and joined the twosome in their run for the door.

They busted out the door and into the driveway where Howie and Leigh were waiting in the Lincoln town car to the far left. Right in front of the door a white limo was parked. The door slowly opened and out stepped a man in a white pimp suit. The threesome froze in place.

"You must be Nick and Max. Wow, you two sure know how to piss people off. I've heard a lot about you."

They didn't get a chance to answer; they were interrupted by Carlos storming out the building gun drawn and out of breath. His menacing look changed when he found himself face to face with the suited man.

"Donavan, I didn't expect to see you here." He dropped his arm to the side and took a few steps forward lining up with the threesome.

Nick held on to Maxine's hand tightly and took a few steps to the side trying to get out of the way.

"You owe me a lot of money. I was waiting for you to pay me." The guy named Donavan took out a gun from his side and cocked it. He had a cigarette in his mouth and puffed without using his hands.

"I have some of your money. Actually they have a check that belongs to you."

Nick, Maxine and AJ had already snuck away a few inches, but they all came to a quick halt as the attention was on them again.

Carlos glared at them and pointed the gun again. "Hand it over!" He demanded, but Nick didn't let Max go.

"Wait a don't have my money?" Donavan growled.

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