All Yours

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A few days had gone by and Christmas Eve was only days away. Nick with moans and groans had gotten into routine with Maxine. They ran early in the morning, went to the gym to practice and came back home for lunch. She would head out to see her mother and he would continue with practice out in his yard.

He was working hard to get back in shape, but the drinking hadn't really stopped. That night he had come home falling over himself, promising that it was only for holiday celebration, Bonnie right behind him.

Maxine had let him crawl up the stairs and reluctantly let Bonnie stay with him. A part of her was angry at the fact that Bonnie would do anything; including, letting him drink the night away, as long as he would be with her. Then again, things weren't going to change from one day to the next.

The next morning Maxine didn't bother trying to wake up Nick. She knew he'd be hung-over and it was easier for Turbo to eat him alive, than for him to wake up. She bent over to catch her breath and stared out at the ocean. The waves were crashing angrily onto the shore and the sky was darker than usual.

"I think it's going to rain today. Just great...come on boy!" She spoke to Turbo and they continued their jog. She'd been eyeing the motel nearby and wondered if they were hiring. She quickly tied the dog to a pole and promised him that she wouldn't take long. He barked.

"Hello!" A young guy turned to smile at her. He was wearing a beige polo shirt with 'Tiki Motel' on its pocket. He was easy on the eyes and made Maxine blush slightly.

"Hi. I live down the shore and was wondering if you guys are hiring?"

He rummaged through a drawer and took out an application. "Here you go. You might be in luck, our midday front clerk just quit."

"Oh. That's great...sorry...I mean...for me." They both laughed.

"Actually, I've seen you jogging out there before. You're pretty fit." Maxine just smiled. "I'm Derek, the morning clerk. Hey if you want I can pass by and pick up the app where you live, I'll be out and about anyway."

Maxine was stuck and didn't know what to do or say. It wasn't often that she had interaction with people her age, or guys. Plus how would Nick react to a stranger coming to his house. 


He must have noticed her uneasiness, "How about I get your number and I'll call you when I'm  there?"

She smiled, "That sounds great. I have a roommate and he's not to keen on having company."

"Cool. Hey you should come with me to this beach party tonight...It will be pretty fun." He smiled, making Maxine blush.

She nodded her head. "Ok. I live in the ocean blue house with the Fight Me flag on the side."

Derek chuckled, "Aaaah you are roommates with the fighter. I know to behave then." They both laughed. She gave him a wave and headed outside to meet up with her Turbo.


"Yo!" Nick greeted her out of breath. He was shirtless today and she couldn't tear her eyes away from his sweaty pecs.

"Hi." She piped.

"Whatcha you got there?" He snatched the paper out of her hand and looked it over. Then let out a bark of a laugh. "You are gonna work at The Tiki?"

She tried snatching it back from him, but he raised his hand high. "Maybe. Give it back..." She jumped up to try and get it, but he raised his hand higher. "Nick, you are so childish sometimes."

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