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Nick slammed the door as the blonde stormed out in a huff. He smiled and walked towards the kitchen. Maxine was sitting on a stool sipping on a glass of water. Nick walked over and took out another beer and snapped the top off.

"So, I guess I should show you to your room." He motioned her to follow him and she did so.

"You live here all alone?" she asked trying to keep up with his pace down the long narrow hallway.

He stopped and looked around. "Yeah. My sister was staying here for a bit, but her modeling contract is over and she went back to Florida."

"Oh...I see." She was tempted to ask him more personal questions, but opted to keep her mouth shut since she was just a guest.

There were three doors at the end of the hall. He opened the one at the very end and stretched out his arm. "Here you are. There is a bed, dresser, lamp...the essentials and it looks like a girl's room. Where's your stuff?" He looked around.

Maxine shrugged. "I wasn't able to get anything after what happened to my mom. I don't have anything with me."

"Ok. My sister should have some stuff in here." He threw the closet door open and looked around. There were a few shirts, pants and sweaters folded up. Dresses and other coats and pants hung from hangers and there was a line of shoes. "Help yourself. She's not coming back anytime soon." He took a long swig of his beer and wiped his mouth. "There are a few rules I'd like to go over...number one, no men in this house but me. Number two, upstairs is my room and it's off limits to you. Number three, don't leave my sliding doors open. Oh wait...the mutt stays outside. We clear?"

"As water!"

"Cool. I gotta get ready for this fight. You can survive till this evening alone, right?" Nick raised his brows, hoping she would agree.

She let out a heavy sigh and bit on her bottom lip, "Actually, I was wondering if I could go with you to the fight. I promise I will stay out of the way. I just want to see you in action..."

"Not happening!" He stated and walked down the hall.


An hour later Nick was finally showered and waiting for Mark his manager to pick him up. It was a bit past noon and he had another beer in his hand. He was feeling good and knew that it would be a miracle if he won this fight. It didn't really matter; he was getting paid for just showing up. That was good enough.

"I really think you shouldn't be drinking anymore!"

Nick turned to look at Maxine, who was out of her boxing shorts and tank top. She was dressed in fitted jeans and a baby blue tee and her hair was still in a ponytail. Now that he was taking a good look at her, she definitely had some resemblance to Howie.

"You are D's daughter. Ya got those big brown puppy eyes and you're bossy!" He snapped. Nick thanked whoever made miracles happen, that the limo pulled up into his driveway. A short and stubby guy stepped out and waved down Nick. "Well gotta jet, don't let your ugly mutt in the house."

"Why does he have to be a mutt? He's a full breed and he has a name. T...u...r...b...o!" They both turned to look at the sliding doors and noticed that Turbo was in a licking frenzy. The doors were covered in slobber. "I'm sorry. I will clean it when we get back, because don't think I'm staying here in this big house all by myself. Plus, you need someone to keep you from drinking anymore beer." She snatched the half full can and flung it into the bushes.

"What the hell? I never agreed to take you everywhere I go. You are staying!"

"The hell I am. I'm going." She pushed past him and introduced herself to the stubby guy.

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