Shitty Day

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Nick turned to the side and wrapped an arm around Maxine. He had retired from sleeping in his own bed, because Maxine refused to sleep in it. She shifted in his arms and refused to open her eyes to welcome the day. She was getting used to waking up to the warmth of Nick's body against hers.

"Have we given up on training early?" Nick whispered into her ear. He inhaled the sweet smell of Maxine's hair, tightening his arms around her.

She groaned, "Just five more minutes. It's your fault for keeping me up so late last night."

Nick laughed, "Oh come on. You know you liked it."

Maxine turned to face him and giggled. "I didn't say I didn't like it. I just said that it was really late."

"So does that mean it's too early right now?" Nick's hand found its way under Maxine's tank top and his mouth the nape of her neck. "It's not fun that you wear clothes to bed."

"Who sleeps naked anyway?" She asked, closing her eyes as she felt the softness of Nick's lips move slowly towards her jaw.

Nick stopped trailing kisses; her eyes sprang open and he unwrapped himself from the sheet to expose his bare body. Maxine let out a shriek in surprise. "Holy crap, Nick Carter."

She laughed uncontrollably as he slid his body between her legs. His lips met hungrily with hers. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Nick groaned at the interruption when Maxine stopped kissing him and focused on who could be at the door. She suddenly remembered that Howie was supposed to come by.

"I forgot Howie is supposed to come today."

"Crap!" Nick muttered.

Within seconds he was on his feet pulling up his pants and hurrying out her bedroom door. He smoothed out his hair and smacked his self awake before opening the door. There stood Howie, all smiles like always.

"Howie!" Nick cursed himself for sounding so surprised.

Howie looked around and eyed Nick suspiciously for his nervousness. "Uh...yeah...Were you expecting someone else?"

Nick faked a laugh. "Of course not!" He wanted to smack himself for being such an idiot.

Maxine had stayed behind to wash her face and finish waking up. It made her nervous the thought of Howie knowing she was holding a relationship with Nick. She stared at herself in the mirror wondering if it was even considered a relationship. He hadn't said she was officially his girlfriend. So, that meant that they were just sleeping together, like he did with all the other women in his life. The thought made her nauseous. 

That wasn't all she wanted to be.

After a change into her workout clothes and a few deep breaths she met up with her father and Nick in the kitchen. The twosome quickly hushed when she walked into the room. She felt a bit of tension between the twosome and gave them each a quick concerned look.

"Wow! You're up late." Howie hugged Maxine.

She smiled and looked up at Nick who pretended to stir the cup of coffee in front of him. The last thing he needed was for her to make it obvious that it was his fault; although it was. The constant reminder from Howie to stay away from Maxine was starting to get on his nerves and the last thing he needed was her blowing their cover. Not that he really gave a shit, but he didn't want to get in the way of their growing relationship.

Nick was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't even realized that Howie and Maxine were both staring at him. Howie was waiting on a response about tagging along with them to their training.

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