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"Rave, now that I've finished all of my tasks, I'm free now right?" The dumb prince showing off that all of his work has been done.

Although he really is done, I'd still like to give him more work but I know that is enough for him today. I'm not that bad so guess I'll let him rest tonight. Also, this time should be him practicing his sword skills but I'm not dumb enough like him to engage myself with him in physical conditions and trainings which he is obviously good at, that would just put me in a disadvantage. Even if I teach him the wrong way, he'll find a way to get stronger in that way and at worst, it will only make him stronger. It's something a protagonist have.

"Fine. This will be your day off." I coldly said and turn my back when he grabbed my arms and I turn around again. This dumb prince!

"Why don't we visit the towns in our beloved country?!" He asked carelessly forgetting what he had just learned yesterday. This should also be the time his protagonist something plot should occur.

I removed his hand on my arm and glared at him.

"Manners. Moreover, have you just forgotten what you have learned yesterday? Ah, that is, if you even learn something." I said with a serious voice. He's probably the most improper and careless crown prince I've ever met, if not known.

I'm quite pissed off since he's acting differently in his age. Although there was no one to stop him from not learning anything, he should at least know the basics because I'm getting pissed already.

"B-but isn't my duty protecting and knowing the situations in my kingdom?" He has the nerve to say that! Now, I'm all very much pissed and irritated!

"Sure if you think you could actually do that. You aren't even sure if you can succeed the throne let alone protect your kingdom." Because it'll be me who'll destroy it. Your very own paradise.

"What do you mean by that? I have no enemies, even if I have one, mother would have taken care of them already." Look at his cocky attitude, he sure has been living these past few years lavishly.

"Are you sure no one would eliminate you?" For some mean time, I thought his face changed for a moment but seeing his dumb look again, I almost panicked for nothing.

I stopped pushing my thoughts and just gave up. I mean, he would do anything to get out anyway, I'm pretty much sure he'll just sneak out and I decide I'll prevent myself from getting into any more trouble if he were to be spotted by some patrol guards saying I'm neglecting my duty as his butler and something along like I didn't do my duty as well.

"Fine. But we'll cover. You know you're not allowed to go out of the palace until you were already introduced to the society of your kingdom."

"I know......but will you come? I'm not assuming but you said 'we'." It's a good thing he get that already.

"Now let's go before I change my mind."


"Umm......this is awkward."

"If you would stop talking then it wouldn't be."

He sighed at my back.

We are riding on a horse and I'm the one controlling the horse so he is behind me.

"Why did you even come with me?" To lessen the troubles I'm going to dealt with.

"Because it'll be my problem if you get caught." The reason is very obvious yet he can't pick up on that, while if it's about nonsensical things he would quickly understand the subjects.

"But I'm not going to get caught--"

"Shut up and stop making unnecessary actions." I snapped and surprisingly found out that it is actually a good thing because he really did shut his mouth. If he dared to make any noises then I'm going to sue his mouth already. I'm more than pissed right now.

After travelling for more than an hour, we finally came across a town which is the closest one to the prince’s palace.

The town is unsurprisingly quite since it's already nighttime, but only if it was a normal town. I feel something more in this strange silence. Why is that? Isn't this town the Liveight Town? It was known as the town that was more lively in the night than in daylight.

"Is there something wrong? The place looks unsettling." Even the fool noticed that something is wrong.

"Get off the horse first we'll search around the area."

I took the lead and let him tie the horse in a tree.

I quickly went downtown and immediately headed to the main attraction of their place. This town is ruled over by the Acostias which is a county family.

The more strange things is that all of people's house here seems to be locked and no one wanted to associate outside which is the complete opposite of their culture.

"Rave, I'm getting a bad feeling."

"Yeah because you chose the wrong time to go outside, it's a good thing I knew you would've been in a big trouble if I let go on your own."

I continue to walk a little more to observe while the fool is just following from behind with a worried expression when a sudden explosion occured not far from where we are.


Tsk! What was that?

I noticed that the fool immediately went to where the explosion was when another explosion happened again but this time, it was near from us.

It is a good thing I grabbed the fool in time and find a safe place before he can even turn into ashes. I do not plan on killing him yet, his role is big for the later events.

"R-rave....." He gradually lost consciousness since his body wasn't trained from this and this is his first time going outside and he doesn't know anything except about what he learned in books so even if he is the main character, he would still have to ensure the pain of being weak. The pain of being treated as a fool.

The pain of being treated as weak.

The pain of being treated as fool.

Maybe I can relate a little to the prince.

But at that thought, I just felt my blood boil when another figure stood up in front of me. I regain my composition and immediately recognized the person in front of me.

Aravenshalli Rioka Heredia Villarreal Acostias.

The Red Lady of the Night Royal Village, Vesha Acostias.


Merry Christmas everyone!

This is a gift for Christmas but sadly, I don't have one prepared in The Suicide Villain. I was planning to surprise y'all by updating the two however I didn't have much time for the other one.

Anyway, thank you for the endless support and I promised I'll make it better. I'm quite insecure about my writing if it looked(?) childish and if some things really doesn't make sense so please point it out.

Thank you for all who supported me up until now, the votes and comments really inspired me to do more!

(I'm planning to drop my other 3 stories since I forgot their plot lol. But I'm taking it into consideration, I just didn't have much time for them so I'm wondering if I should just unpublish them or upload it but with no updates.

I want your opinion so please tell me what I should do about it. Plus, I'm more lit in writing this story and TSD.)

Again, merry christmas everyone! Maybe I'll update TSD in new year, I'm not sure so please don't expect.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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