cant we just be happy?

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Brie Pov

Do i tell her that i like her

No brie don't be stupid she still loves lizzie she would never like you and why would she your just a asshole and a bitch

That's all my mind kept saying to me and maybe it was right why would she like me?

"You wanted to tell me something"she says

"Oh just that i'm going to leave"i said

"Oh....okay goodnight"she says

Once i get out of the house i think of how much im a bitch and she would never love me and even if she did not as much as lizzie lizzie amazing i can't live up to that

Maybe scarlett can tell me if she sees anything in y/n but i don't think so and even if there is something there she will always have feelings for lizzie and i'm fine with that i just got to suck it up and hope it goes away

Who am i lying to i know it won't go away i've had it since we meet and thats why it hurt to see her with lizzie but i can't stop that she loves lizzie and will never love me or even like me like that

y/n pov

It was so weird like there got to be something she wasn't telling me and i want to know what it was because it has to do with me

Does she like me?why are you being stupid y/n of course she doesnt she just sees me as a friend like she say "y/n shes just a friend" and thats okay right like i have feelings for lizzie

Even if lizzie doesnt love me anymore if shes happy im happy

Even if the person who makes her happy isn't me i just have to suck that up and try and move on but its not that easy

She was my first love when i was young i always told myself that love was just for kids but when i saw her that all changed i just wish that she loved me still

But hey she in love with that guy and even if the guy is ugly and looks like a asshole i can't stop the people she loves i just wish it was me

Scarlett sounds like she knows something about brie so ill ask her later to see if she does

I got ready for bed and then fell asleep hoping it was all just a bad dream

Lizzie pov

Why did i have sex with robbie im so stupid

I'm pregnant and it's not even y/n's child like what will happen when she finds out

Why can't i do anything right maybe this is what i deserve pain because im a asshole to y/n like all she wanted was for me to be happy and go and do this

I got a call telling me she got out of the hospital and im glad but i don't think i can go see her not like this anyway

What would i even say hey y/n i'm pregnant and it's not your baby it's actually my exes yep the one you saw me kissing

She will be so hurt but she will be more hurt if i don't

What will scarlett say she will hate me because y/n like her baby sister

What will my sister say lizzie why did you do that are you fucking dumb thats what they will say and there right i am dumb and i shouldnt of done tha(hello im here again and i know your not meant to tell anyone until later but look at my face does it look like i care no so if you have a problem with me telling the twins and scarlett then just dont read it or just drop the book no one making you read and thank you for listening)

I got robbie up and kicked him out of my house

And then broke into tears and holding my stomach

I wish life would just go good for once but no i had to be a asshole and i get what i deserve and this is the revenge god wants me to have and the world just hates me just like how everyone maybe god wants me to be alone for my whole life because this will do it and make people feel pain

Im a bitch ,a asshole,a whore, a slut and i deserve this i keep telling myself(hello me again and know i don't think of lizzie in this way this is just for drama and pain and thanks for reading this again)

If i wasn't a slut i wouldn't be in this mess and then i passed out

Scarletts pov

When i went to bed im sure that brie like y/n but is to scared to tell her because she knows y/n loves lizzie and she knows y/n will never love her that much

And i know this hurts her and i can even do anything but if i think about it i think y/n likes her to but just hasn't seen it and i'm here to do that

They both deserve happiness and that could be with each other or with different people thats what im going to find out(me again i'm not trying to make scarlett force them to talk just in case some of you thought that)

And i know y/n loves lizzie but lizzie did cheat twice and that's not fair to her

And lizzie my best friend thats why its so shocking when i heard because i though lizzie was a innocent girl but i guess not

It's going to be hard for y/n because she has work tomorrow with lizzie(again this wouldnt happen in real life but zip it its a story none of its real)

It was late at night when I heard a knock on the door and me and y/n got up and when y/n opened the door we just froze......................................

Oh no looks like a cliffhanger how do you guys think it is

Guess we will never know

Hope you enjoyed

Remember to eat and drink water and go for a walk

And if you need to talk i'm here

Any ideas let me know

And i'm so sorry it's sad

Love you guys

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