"Y/n, I'm so glad I got to meet 'ya." The old man's long, grey mustache moved as he softly spoke. What did he mean? Did he know you? How did he know you or your name? You pursed your lips momentarily, trying to connect the dots. Nothing rang a bell. You stayed quiet and blinked periodically as you continued to stare at him. Then it came to you. Your cozy little bedroom faded as it was replaced by a new scene. You were inside of a church, viewing a casket with the same old man inside of it. The vision was gone as fast as it came. Trailing your eyes around the old man and the same clothes he wore in your vision, your lips finally parted as you spoke. "Grandpa?"

The morning after, you immediately told your father, excited when you finally realized who the old man was. He was never a stranger or had bad intentions. He was simply visiting so he could finally meet you. It all came crashing back down on you after you finished your spiel about your grandfather. Your father hardly paid attention and his first response was "it was just a dream." After every new encounter with your grandfather, your father shot the conversation down before you got the chance to even finish. You never understood why. It almost seemed like you weren't allowed to talk about it.
Another year had gone by and your father took you to a new place one day. He barely informed you of what was going on, keeping the details mostly to himself. As soon as you got up to the front door of the building, he pulled you aside and crouched down to your level. "Y/n, do you know what this place is?" He asked you, his (opposite eye color) irises switching between both of your own eyes. You simply shook your head "no," unaware of the situation. It wasn't like him to surprise you with an outing. The man cleared his throat in an excuse to think over his explanation one last time before finally telling you what was happening. "This is a place where you will learn all kinds of things." He said with a slight bit of enthusiasm to ease your hesitancy. "So... its a school?" You mumbled, arms hanging parallel to your body. You already went to school, why would he take you to a new one?

"Not exactly..." He shook his head. "This place is going to teach you... more womanly things. Like... how to sew, cook, do laundry... all of that stuff." He smiled a bit, hoping it would get you excited. However, he got the opposite reaction out of you. Growing up in a male dominated household did not make this place sound a bit interesting. You hung around your brothers every day, only knowing how men acted. How in the world would you learn how women acted when you were missing that influence in your life? "So... its a school." Was all you had to say, waiting for something else to happen. Your father sighed, giving up on trying to hype you up. Certainly, he thought you would thrive and want to learn how to be a housewife and future mother but he should have known, raising a daughter with two older sons would influence your childhood more. "Sure, you can call it whatever 'ya want." He nodded, standing back up straight to take you inside.

Inside the two-story brick building, the entrance was accompanied by a wooden desk with a woman sitting behind it. When she noticed you and your father's presence, she rose from the chair and walked around in order to properly greet you two. "Hello, you must be Mr. (Last name)?" The pale, slender woman smiled at you both. "Yes, ma'am. This is my daughter, Y/n." He glanced down towards you, holding your hand. You eventually turned your chin up towards the woman who had striking, natural beauty. Her noire hair was pulled back into a tight bun above the nape of her neck, allowing for her heart-shaped face to be shown off. Her cinnamon-brown eyes were warm and inviting, hiding behind her monolids each time she blinked. "It is lovely to meet you, Y/n. I'm Mrs. Akimoto." Her pearly white smile was friendly and safe, relaxing you a bit. At least this place wasn't run by scary people. You nodded your head at Mrs. Akimoto, a bit on the shy side. Granted, this was a new and unfamiliar place.

As your father spoke with the woman, a little girl came out of the hallway to the right. When her eyes locked with yours, a large smile spread across her round, chubby face. "Hi!!!" She ran over to you and waved in your face. "Hi." You replied, your energy not matching her enthusiasm. Mrs. Akimoto looked down and chuckled, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Calm down, Katsumi. Don't scare our new guest." The girl, Katsumi, nodded, facing you again with a much calmer demeanor. "Sorry." She still smiled, holding out her right hand. "I'm Katsumi." She continued to hold her hand out until you finally took it. "Y/n." You said quietly which made Katsumi giggle. "You're quiet." Mrs. Akimoto shared a light laugh, turning back to face your father. "Don't worry, Mr. (Last name), I think my daughter will break your daughter out of her shell here."

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now